Follow installation instrcutions and place rollout environment key
in AndroidManifest.xml
This project includes 3 flags:
- enable fab - Controls the Floating Action Button visibility
Title Color - a enum base solution that controls the title colors
enable flags activity - Allows you to control who see's rollout built in flag activity controller (see docs)
You can see these flags definitons here: (
public class MyRoxContainer implements RoxContainer {
// welcome message ROX configuration
public RoxConfigurationString welcomeMessage;
// enableFab flag
public RoxFlag enableFab = new RoxFlag(true);
* Enum based multi variant feature flag with default value white
* This can also be done without Enum with the following code
* <pre>
* public RoxVariant titleColors = new RoxVariant("White", new String[] {"White, ""Blue", "Yellow"});
* </pre>
public RoxEnumVariant<Color> titleColors = new RoxEnumVariant<>(Color.WHITE);
public enum Color {
// Flag value is false by default
public RoxFlag enableFlagsActivity = new RoxFlag();
// declare more flags here
// ...
public MyRoxContainer(Context context) {
//Example for a flag that requires Android context
String welcomeMessageDefault = context.getResources().getString(R.string.welcome_message);
welcomeMessage = new RoxConfigurationString(welcomeMessageDefault);
And flag usage example here: (from
private void setCameraButton() {
if (roxContainer.enableFab.isEnabled()) {
} else {
Release mobile features quickly and safely with fully controlled rollouts, measure impact, and react as needed without waiting for your next code release.
Visit to add ROX SDK to your app
- Mobile-first: ROX is the first feature flagging system built from the ground up to run directly inside phones, tablets and wearables.
- Simple: ROX allows developer to focus on their business logic and not working with complex configuration on the dashabord
- Modern: Using static types, the compiler and IDE are responsible to prevent collisions to allow easy flags discovery by develoeprs (by autocomplete)
- Support Optimizations: ROX unique proposition is that is supports the company needs a full capable exerimentation system, for A/B/N testing, optimizations, customizations and more
- Remote Conifguraion included: ROX include a remote configuraiton module that allows developers to defined configuration that can be controlled from the server
Please see the detailed instructions in our docs on how to install Rollout SDK in your android project and Rollout getting started to get you quickly up and running.
Getting started guide, use cases, examples and videos can be found in Rollout support site
If you use ROX and are happy with it, all we ask is that you please consider emailing [email protected] to share your thoughts!
And if you don't like it, please let us know what you would like improved, so we can fix it!