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Eval: tracing support
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Alastair Reid committed Aug 30, 2019
1 parent 121d628 commit b8d2d32
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Showing 4 changed files with 67 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
Expand All @@ -13,6 +12,7 @@
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23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -108,11 +108,20 @@ let help_msg = [
{|:project <file> Execute ASLi commands in <file>|};
{|:q :quit Exit the interpreter|};
{|:set impdef <string> = <expr> Define implementation defined behavior|};
{|:set +<flag> Set flag|};
{|:set -<flag> Clear flag|};
{|:? :help Show this help message|};
{|<expr> Execute ASL expression|};
{|<stmt> ; Execute ASL statement|}

let flags = [
("trace:write", Eval.trace_write);
("trace:fun", Eval.trace_funcall);
("trace:prim", Eval.trace_primop);
("trace:instr", Eval.trace_instruction)

let mkLoc (fname: string) (input: string): AST.l =
let len = String.length input in
let start : Lexing.position = { pos_fname = fname; pos_lnum = 1; pos_bol = 0; pos_cnum = 0 } in
Expand All @@ -125,7 +134,9 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (env: Eval.Env.t) (fname: string) (inp
| [""] ->
| [":help"] | [":?"] ->
List.iter print_endline help_msg
List.iter print_endline help_msg;
print_endline "\nFlags:";
List.iter (fun (nm, v) -> Printf.printf " %s%s\n" (if !v then "+" else "-") nm) flags
| (":set" :: "impdef" :: rest) ->
let cmd = String.concat " " rest in
let loc = mkLoc fname cmd in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +170,16 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (env: Eval.Env.t) (fname: string) (inp
Printf.printf " Error %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exc);
Printexc.print_backtrace stdout
| [":set"; flag] when Utils.startswith flag "+" ->
(match List.assoc_opt (Utils.stringDrop 1 flag) flags with
| None -> Printf.printf "Unknown flag %s\n" flag;
| Some f -> f := true
| [":set"; flag] when Utils.startswith flag "-" ->
(match List.assoc_opt (Utils.stringDrop 1 flag) flags with
| None -> Printf.printf "Unknown flag %s\n" flag;
| Some f -> f := false
| [":project"; prj] ->
let inchan = open_in prj in
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32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,17 @@ open Value
* Flags to control behaviour (mostly for debugging)

(** Debugging output on every variable write *)
let trace_write = ref false

(** Debugging output on every function call *)
let trace_funcall = false
let trace_funcall = ref false

(** Debugging output on every primitive function or function call *)
let trace_primop = ref false

(** Debugging output on every instruction execution *)
let trace_instruction = ref false

(** It is an error to have multiple function definitions with conflicting types.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,6 +183,7 @@ end = struct
k child

let addLocalVar (loc: l) (env: t) (x: ident) (v: value): unit =
if !trace_write then Printf.printf "TRACE: fresh %s = %s\n" (pprint_ident x) (pp_value v);
(match env.locals with
| (bs :: _) -> set_scope x v bs
| [] -> raise (EvalError (loc, "addLocalVar"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,6 +246,7 @@ end = struct

let setVar (loc: l) (env: t) (x: ident) (v: value): unit =
if !trace_write then Printf.printf "TRACE: write %s = %s\n" (pprint_ident x) (pp_value v);
(match findScope env x with
| Some bs -> set_scope x v bs
| None -> raise (EvalError (loc, "setVar " ^ pprint_ident x))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,17 +741,23 @@ and eval_stmt (env: Env.t) (x: AST.stmt): unit =

(** Evaluate call to function or procedure *)
and eval_call (loc: l) (env: Env.t) (f: ident) (tvs: value list) (vs: value list): unit =
if trace_funcall then begin
Printf.printf "eval_call: %s " (pprint_ident f);
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " [%s]" (pp_value v)) tvs;
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " %s" (pp_value v)) vs;
Printf.printf "\n"
(match eval_prim (name_of_FIdent f) tvs vs with
| Some r ->
if !trace_primop then begin
Printf.printf "TRACE primop: %s " (pprint_ident f);
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " [%s]" (pp_value v)) tvs;
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " %s" (pp_value v)) vs;
Printf.printf " --> %s\n" (pp_value r);
raise (Return (Some r))
| None ->
if !trace_funcall then begin
Printf.printf "TRACE funcall: %s " (pprint_ident f);
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " [%s]" (pp_value v)) tvs;
List.iter (fun v -> Printf.printf " %s" (pp_value v)) vs;
Printf.printf "\n"
let (targs, args, loc, b) = Env.getFun loc env f in
assert (List.length targs = List.length tvs);
assert (List.length args = List.length vs);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,6 +798,7 @@ let eval_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: value): bool =
| Opcode_Mask m -> eval_inmask loc op (from_maskLit m)
) in
if ok then begin
if !trace_instruction then Printf.printf "TRACE: instruction %s\n" (pprint_ident nm);
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
Env.addLocalVar loc env f (extract_bits' loc op lo wd)
) fields;
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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,17 @@ let rec first_option (f: 'a -> 'b option) (xs: 'a list): 'b option =
* String related

(** Test whether 'x' starts with (is prefixed by) 'y' *)
let startswith (x: string) (y: string): bool =
let lx = String.length x in
let ly = String.length y in
if lx < ly then begin
end else begin
let head = String.sub x 0 ly in
String.equal head y

(** Test whether 'x' ends with (is suffixed by) 'y' *)
let endswith (x: string) (y: string): bool =
let lx = String.length x in
Expand All @@ -148,6 +159,14 @@ let endswith (x: string) (y: string): bool =
String.equal tail y

(** Drop first n characters from string *)
let stringDrop (n: int) (s: string): string =
let l = String.length s in
if n > l then begin
end else begin
String.sub s n (l-n)

* End
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