A Ruby lib for speaking with the german accounting software collmex.
Just add it to your gemfile:
gem "collmex-ruby", require: "collmex"
In your code (in a rails-projekt you might create a config/initializers/collmex-ruby.rb) you can setup your credentials:
Collmex.setup_login_data( username: "123456", password: "123456", customer_id: "123456" )
For example to get a customer and and accounting document, just enqueue the commands to the request:
request = Collmex::Request.run do
enqueue :customer_get, id: 9999
enqueue :accdoc_get, id: 1
Take a look at the response:
It holds an array of all returned collmex api lines.
Collmex unfortunately has a batch csv api. Every request can hold a bunch of lines. The Documentation can be found here.
You can build a line by instanciating its corresponding class that inherits from Collmex::Api::Line. Under the hood, the lines are translated into csv before we send them to collmex, or parsed from csv whn we receive them from collmex. Just give the params of the line as a hash. Every line object has a @hash property that holds the data.
For building a line object that asks for the Accountingdocument with id 1:
accdoc_get = Collmex::Api::AccdocGet.new( id: 1 )
A line that asks for the customer with id: 10
customer_get = Collmex::Api::CustomerGet.new( id: 10 )
A request is initiated with
request = Collmex::Request.new
And you can enqueue your commands to it:
request.enqueue Collmex::Api::AccdocGet.new(id: 1)
request.enqueue Collmex::Api::CustomerGet.new(id: 1)
When you have finished building your request, you can execute it:
When the request is executed, the response is parsed. Every answered line now sits as an object in our response-array:
request.resonse.count # number of returned lines
request.response.last.class # Collmex::Api::Message
The content of a received line sits in the @hash-property of its Object.
request.response.last.to_h # holds the data.
You can write a request with less words by directly call the run-method and enqueue the lines inside a block (you can use symbols to identify the commands):
request = Collmex::Request.run do
enqueue :accdoc_get, id: 1
enqueue :customer_get, id: 10
While collmex sends and receives only strings via csv, we treat the data as ruby object.
Its represented as a string in ruby. There is no length restriction. So you have to care for yourself that collmex can handle all the contents of a Char field.
Collmex floats are represented as floats in ruby too. You can give it a string or a integer too. When we send something to collmex in a float field, it is limited to 2 decimals.
Collmex has Currency as its own datatype. In ruby we use the smallest unit (cent in €) and take the amount as an integer. We have put some special parsing methods when a string should represent the alue of a currency field. Jus take a look at the spec/lib/collmex/api_spec.rb to see how we handle it.
Integers are the simples datatype and transparent between ruby and collmex. There is just some special handling that cares for delimiters in numbers to represent the correct value
This lib was originally written for palabea by roman l.