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Simple library for manipulating with date intervals in PHP.


  • PHP 7.0


$ composer require rm/dateinterval


Extends creation possibility

namespace RM\DateInterval;

new DateInterval; // 0 seconds
new DateInterval('PT0S'); // 0 seconds
new DateInterval(new \DateInterval('PT0S')); // 0 seconds
new DateInterval('-P1D'); // - 1 day
new DateInterval('+2 minutes'); 
new DateInterval(10); // 10 seconds
new DateInterval(-1000); // -1000 seconds
new DateInterval(5.5); // 6 seconds


Allowing summarize multiple intervals into one.

$interval = new \RM\DateInterval;
foreach ([
	'PT10S', // 0:10
	'PT13M14S', // 13:24
	'PT3M3S', // 16:27
	'PT4M58S', // 21:25
] as $data) {
echo $interval->format('%i:%s'); // '21:25'

Convert to seconds

Usable for comparing.

(new \RM\DateInterval('+1 day'))->toSeconds(); // int(86400)

Generate string

Generating standardized string, for storing interval to database.

$now = new DateTime;
$next = clone $now;
$next->modify('+1 day') // 1 day
	->modify('+14 hours') // 1 day 14 hours
	->modify('-3 minutes') // 1 day 13 hours 57 mins
	->modify('13 seconds'); // 1 day 13 hours 57 mins 13 seconds
$interval = new \RM\DateInterval($now->diff($next));
echo (string) $interval; // P1DT13H57M13S

$interval = new \RM\DateInterval($string);
echo $interval->format('%dd %hh %im %ss'); // 1d 13h 57m 13s

Alternatively it's possible use only static method RM\DateInterval::parse(DateInterval $interval).