This sample project is created to fulfill the technical test from Vertilogic. [DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THIS PROJECT!!!]
uses a number of open source libraries:
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [express.js] - An open source framework for node.js
- [sequelize.js] - Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js v4 and up. It supports the dialects MySQL
- [mysql] - database relational
- [sequelize] - database migration and seeder
- [axios] - for custom HTTP request
This project requires Node.js v4+ to run.
$ cd simple_food_order
$ npm install
Before running the server you must set configuration first and run the database migration script. In folder config\
there is a config.json
file for database configuration. In config.json
there are configurations for database table migration. Sequelize-cli is used to migration database. Set username
, password
, database
, and host
in development, test, or production section of the config.json
file (it's only for sequelize-cli) according to your mysql configurations, keep in mind that you need to create the database first!
. After that, set the env
variable in "models/index.js" on line 7 to development
or test
or production
according to the database configurations in config.json.
Make sure to do the steps above before running the migration script!
$ cd simple_food_order
$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate or sequelize db:migrate
$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed all or sequelize db:seed:all
$ cd simple_food_order
$ node index.js
Service method (Vendor) | HTTP Method | Path |
service('vendors').findAll() | GET | /vendors?tag="desiredTag1"&tag="desiredTag2"&name[$like]=%"vendorName"%&$skip="desiredSkip"&$limit="desiredLimit" |
service('vendors').findOne() | GET | /vendors/:vendorsId |
service('vendors').insert() | POST | /vendors |
service('vendors').update() | PATCH | /vendors/:vendorsId |
service('vendors').deleteOne() | DELETE | /vendors/:vendorsId |
Note: The endpoint findAll on /vendors can be customized, where you can query filtering such as skip and limit the contents for pagination, find contents based on tag and by vendor name. Above is just the example of the full url path, you can also exclude any filter as you want. For skip and limit when not provided, they are set to 0 and 10 as default. Below is a few examples:
/vendors?tag="desiredTag1"&tag="desiredTag2"&$skip="desiredSkip"&$limit="desiredLimit" //find all vendors with provided tags
/vendors?name[$like]=%VendorName% // find vendors by name with provided keyword.
POST body format { name: "name", address: "address", phone: "phone", tag: "tag" }
Service method (Food) | HTTP Method | Path |
service('foods').findAll() | GET | /foods?vendorsId="vendorId"&type="foodType"&price="integerValue"&name[$like]=%"foodName"%&$skip="desiredSkip"&$limit="desiredLimit" |
service('foods').findOne() | GET | /foods/:foodsId |
service('foods').insert() | POST | /foods |
service('foods').update() | PATCH | /foods/:foodsId |
service('foods').deleteOne() | DELETE | /foods/:foodsId |
Note: The endpoint findAll on /foods can be customized, where you can query filtering such as skip and limit the contents for pagination, find contents based vendorId, food type, food name, and food price smaller than the provided value. Above is just the example of the full url path, you can also exclude any filter as you want. For skip and limit when not provided, they are set to 0 and 10 as default Below is a few examples:
/foods?vendorsId="vendorId" //find all foods with on a specific restaurants more than one
/foods?vendorsId="vendorId"&type="foodType"&price="integerValue" // find foods with specific vendor, type and prices lower than provided value
POST body format { name: "name", type: "type", price: "price", vendorId: "vendorsId" }
Service method (Order) | HTTP Method | Path |
service('orders').findAll() | GET | /orders?customerName[$like]=%customerName%&$skip="desiredSkip"&$limit="desiredLimit" |
service('orders').findOne() | GET | /orders/:ordersId |
service('orders').insert() | POST | /orders |
service('orders').update() | PATCH | /orders/:ordersId |
service('orders').deleteOne() | DELETE | /orders/:ordersId |
service('orders').orderFood() | PATCH | /orders/food/assign/:ordersId |
Note: For the orderFood endpoint on url :/orders/food/assign/:ordersId uses axios custom http request because we are handling array insert, you have to provide the foodId and use the format in the folder test/assignFood.js, the elements inside the array is the id from table food. The endpoint findAll on /orders can be customized, where you can query filtering such as skip and limit the contents for pagination, find contents based on customerName Above is just the example of the full url path, you can also exclude any filter as you want. For skip and limit when not provided, they are set to 0 and 10 as default Below is a few examples:
POST body { customerName: "customerName", phone: "phone", additionalRequest: "additionalRequest" }