py2app 0.25
#358: Add recipe for multiprocessing
PR363: Add recipe for platformdirs
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR353: Add recipe for sphinx
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR352: Fix for using ipython
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR351: Tweak the matplotlib recipe
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR348: Fix for checking for dead symlinks links in py2app
PR by Oliver Cordes (ocordes on GitHub)
#354: Fix buggy "autopackages" and "automissing" recipes
#350: Add sentencepiece to the autopackages list
#359: Add recipe for PyQt6
#349: Add recipe for OpenCV (opencv-python,
import cv2
) -
PR365: Add RTree recipe
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)