Hi there 👋
Lovely to see you're checking out my repo, I couldn't have done it without the following:
- https://tailwindui.com/
- https://shuffle.dev
- https://www.bestastrothemes.com/theme/m6v3l9-astro-theme-stone/
- https://uxwing.com/
- https://github.com/tatethurston/astrojs-service-worker#readme
- https://github.com/alextim/astro-lib/tree/main/packages/astro-webmanifest#readme
- Using DALLE with the prompt: Generate a featured image for a blog post titled '[title]' reflecting '[description]', minimalistic.
- Content
- Small about me teaser under content
- Lighthouse check PR GitHub automation
- Mastodon / Twitter automation?
- Add read list by using https://www.goodreads.com
- Table of Contents? - https://medium.com/@rezahedi/how-to-build-table-of-contents-in-astro-and-sectionize-the-markdown-content-78bee84e6a7f
- Related posts
- Create a prevous + next blog post underneath a post and use transition:animate="slide" to slide left or right
- Reading time
- Dark theme (see Nav.astro dark / light commented out)
- https://codepen.io/ronaldtebrake/pen/XWGbQWL (when we have some categories / content)
- Filters on category? and add a new section on the home page linking to filters
- Pagination -> https://rimdev.io/creating-a-pagination-component-with-astro/
- How to add a new category?
- Make sure you add it to the
categoryColor: {
'drupal': '#0077C0',
'product': 'yellow',
'process': 'red',
".process": {
textDecoration: theme("categoryColor.process"),
"&::before": {
backgroundColor: theme("categoryColor.process"),
".drupal": {
textDecoration: theme("categoryColor.drupal"),
"&::before": {
backgroundColor: theme("categoryColor.drupal"),
".product": {
textDecoration: theme("categoryColor.product"),
"&::before": {
backgroundColor: theme("categoryColor.product"),
- Add it to
as allowed enum option.category: z.enum(['product', 'drupal', 'process']),
This should ensure this category is chosen as class name for the links and it's CSS.