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1. Built-in Variables

1.1. Built-in Character Classes

Name Output Output when (unicode)
alpha [a-zA-Z] \p{Alphabetic}
upper [A-Z] \p{Uppercase}
lower [a-z] \p{Lowercase}
alnum [a-zA-Z0-9] \p{Alphanumeric}
linechar [\r\n\x0B\x0C] [\r\n\x0B\x0C\x85\u2028\u2029]
        | `\n` when `(-word)`| `\n` when `(-word)`

padchar | [ \t] | space | [ ] | tab | \t | digit | \d | whitechar | \s | wordchar | \w | backslash | \\ |

1.2. Built-in Expressions

Name Meaning Output
BOS beginning of string \A
EOS end of string \Z
BOL beginning of line (?m:^)
EOL end of line (?m:$)
BOW beginning of word \m
EOW end of word \M
WOB word boundary \b
any any character (?s:.) (. with DOTALL turned on)
uany unicode-any \X (single unicode grapheme)
  • WOB is special: it is not a character-class, but you can apply the non- operator to it. non-WOB compiles to \B.
  • wordchar is special: it can be redefined (other built-ins cannot be redefined). See: Redefining Wordchar.
  • Oprex-equivalent of regex's . with DOTALL turned OFF is non-linechar (see linechar in Built-in Character Classes table).

2. Main Syntax

The general syntax of oprex is in the form of:

>>> oprex('''
...     (flags)                -- comments
...     expression
...         def_x = expression
... ''')

2.1. Flags


  • (flagname) to turn it on.
  • (-flagname) to turn it off.
  • (flag1 flag2 -flag3) for multiple flags.
  • (flag) expression to apply only to that expression (inline/scoped flag).
  • (flag) at the very beginning (before the main expression, on its own line) to apply globally.

2.1.1. Global Flags

  • Can only be applied globally.
  • Can only be turned on, never off.
  • Supported global flags are ascii, bestmatch, enhancedmatch, locale, reverse, unicode, version0, and version1.

2.1.2. Scoped Flags

  • Can be applied both globally and inline/scoped.
  • Can be turned on and off
  • Supported scoped flags are dotall, fullcase, ignorecase, multiline, verbose, and word.

2.1.3. Flags Example

    (unicode ignorecase) -- multiple global flags, scoped flag can be applied globally but not vice versa
        password = (-ignorecase) 'correctHorseBatteryStaple' -- scoped flag, turn-off

Compiles to (?V1wui)(?-i:correctHorseBatteryStaple)

  • version1 and word are turned on by default (hence the V1w in the example's output).
  • For what each flag does, refer to the regex module documentation.


Comment starts with -- to the end of the line. Block comment is not supported.

2.3. Expression

Expression can be one of the following:

3. String Literal


  • 'single quoted' or "double quoted"
  • Quotes can be escaped, e.g. 'Mother\'s Day'
  • The output will be properly regex-escaped, e.g. "A+" compiles to A\\+
  • Backslash-escapes that are not regex-escape will NOT be escaped, e.g. "\d\t" compiles to \\d\t (the \d got escaped but the \t didn't)

3.1. Word Boundaries

Word boundary (oprex's WOB, regex's \b) and non-boundary (oprex's non-WOB, regex's \B) can be easily appended and/or prepended to a string literal using the following syntax:

  • . for word boundary, e.g. 'cat'. compiles to cat\b, .'cat' compiles to \bcat.
  • _ for non-boundary, e.g. 'cat'_ compiles to cat\B, _'cat'_ compiles to \Bcat\B.

Since a word boundary means a position where one side is wordchar while the other side is non-wordchar, if wordchar is redefined word boundaries change too.

4. String-of-Digits Range Literal

4.1. Between (and including) two numbers

  • Syntax: "min".."max" or 'min'..'max'.
  • min can have leading 0 (to require) or o (to allow) leading zero(es). Examples:
    • '0'..'999' will NOT match e.g. 007 and 012.
    • '000'..'999' will match 007 and 012, but NOT 7 and 12.
    • 'oo0'..'999' will match numbers both with and without leading zeroes.

4.2. Greater than or equal to a number (maxless range)

  • Syntax: "min".. or 'min'...
  • Optional-leading-zero can be used with maxless range, e.g. 'o1'...
  • Mandatory-leading-zero does NOT work with maxless range, e.g. '01'.. will raise an error.

5. Variable

5.1. Assignment/Definition


  • varname = expression to define a subexpression
  • varname: c h a r s to define a character-class
  • [varname] to define a named capture group, e.g. [varname] = expression or [varname]: c h a r s

5.2. Scoping

The following example demonstrates variable scoping in oprex:

    /first/second/third/last/   -- can access direct children
        first = '1st'
        second = '2nd'
        third = /first/x/       -- can access older siblings
            x = /second/a/b/    -- can access parent's older-siblings
                a = /third?/x?/ -- can access parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on (recursion)
                b = /B1/B2/b?/  -- can access self (recursion)
                    B1 = first  -- can access great-grandparent's (and so on's) older siblings
*)                  B2 = second
                -- B1 is no longer defined beyond this point
            -- a and b are no longer defined beyond this point
        -- x is no longer defined beyond this point
        last = x                -- last's x is different from third's x
            x = B2              -- B2 is global, so it's accessible here (normally it isn't)

5.3. Global Scope

A variable can be made global by prefixing its definition with *). See B2 in the example above. Once defined, global variables are available in all following scopes.

5.4. Scoping-Error Examples

  • Can't access grandchildren (and great-grandchildren, and so on).
    /x/y/     -- can't access grandchildren
        x = y
            y = 'yadda'
  • Can't access younger siblings.
        x = y -- can't access younger siblings
        y = 'yadda'
  • Can't access sibling's children.
        x = y
            y = 'yadda'
        yadda = y -- can't access sibling's children
  • All variable must be referenced by its immediate parent.
        x = 'pow'
        y = 'wow'
        z = 'how' -- ERROR: defined but not used
        pow = 'pow' -- ERROR: not referenced by parent
        x = pow
        y = pow
        x = pow
            pow = 'pow'
*)          wow = 'wow' -- ERROR: not referenced by parent
        y = wow
  • Global variables still need to be defined-before-used.
        x = yadda -- can't access global variable before its definition
        y = yadda
*)          yadda = 'yadda'

5.5. Recursion

A variable can refer to itself and/or its parent expressions (immediate parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on). This will generate regex containing recursion. For examples, see Comma-Separated Values and Balanced Parentheses in the Examples section and Palindromes in the Usage section.

6. Character Class

In oprex, the colon symbol : is used to start a character class:

  • When defining a variable, e.g. upvowel: A I U E O
  • When quantifying, using of:
  • When negating, using not:

After the colon, list out the character-class' members, separated by space.


  |1 of: a i u e o
  |not: b..d f..h j..n p..t v..z
   upvowel: A I U E O

6.1. Character Literal

In a character class, single-characters are interpreted literally, e.g.

    vowel: a i u e o A I U E O
    arith: + - * /
    colon: :

Can be unicode too:

    basic_math_constant: π e i
    danger: ⚠ ☣ ☢ ☠

6.2. Escape Characters

Works as expected:

    newline: \r \n

Octal, hex, and unicode escapes are also supported

    xyz: \170 \171 \172
    xyz: \x78 \x79 \x7A
    xyz: \u0078 \u0079 \u007A
    xyz: \U00000078 \U00000079 \U0000007A

6.2. Character Name

You can also use the character's unicode-name. For example, instead of:

    dash: - – —

Which is not very clear, you can spell the names out for clarity:


And to make it even clearer, oprex has sugar for that:


6.3. Includes

Character-classes can include other character-classes:

	upnum: upper digit
	base64: alnum + / =

6.4. Unicode Properties

To build a character class based on unicode character properties, use the following syntax:

	money_char: /Number /Currency_Symbol . ,
	nonalpha: not: /IsAlphabetic
	nonalpha: not: /Alphabetic
	nonalpha: /Alphabetic=No
	nonalpha: /Alphabetic:No
	japanese_char: /Script=Hiragana /Script=Katakana
	japanese_char: /Script:Hiragana /Script:Katakana
	japanese_char: /InHiragana /InKatakana
	japanese_char: /IsHiragana /IsKatakana
	japanese_char: /Hiragana /Katakana

6.5. Character Range

Syntax: e.g.

    hex: 0..9 a..f A..F
    grade_char: A..F
    nonzero: 1..9

Names and escape codes can be used with range too:

    nonzero: \N{DIGIT ONE}..\N{DIGIT NINE}
    nonzero: :DIGIT_ONE..:DIGIT_NINE
    nonzero: \u0031..\u0039

6.6. Character-Class Operation

Operator Operation Placement
and intersection infix (x and y)
not (without colon) subtraction infix (x not y)
not: (with colon) negation prefix (not: x)

6.6.1. Intersection: and


    arabic_number: /Number and /IsArabic
    greek_alphabet: /Alphabetic and /Script:Greek
    japanese_number: /Number and /Hiragana /Katakana
    japanese_number: /Hiragana /Katakana and /Number

6.6.2. Subtraction: not

    nonzero: digit not 0
    upnum: alnum not lower
    nonlatin_alpha: /Alphabetic not /InBasicLatin
    gaijin_alpha: /Alphabetic not /Hiragana /Katakana
    consonant: alpha not a i u e o A I U E O

6.7.3. Negation: not:

	non_quote: not: ' "
	inside_paren: not: ( )
	csv_data: not: ,

7. Character-Class Negation


  • non- followed by a character-class variable name, e.g. non-digit.
  • not: followed by character-class member(s), e.g. not: a i u e o.

The first form is for easy chaining, e.g. if you need "non-digit followed by non-alphabet" use /non-digit/non-alpha/.

Only character classes can be negated. But for the non- operator, the built-in variable WOB is an exception: WOB is not a character-class, but non-WOB compiles to \B.

8. Lookup Chain

Syntax: /lookup1/lookup2/lookup3/etc/

Each lookup can be one of the following:

8.1. Sugar for Achors

To enhance readability, several sugars are available to use with lookup-chain syntax (you might want to first read about BOS, BOL, EOS, and EOL in the Built-in Variables section):

Syntactic Sugar Meaning Example Equivalent To Compiles To
./ at the beginning BOS ./digit/ /BOS/digit/ \A\d
// at the beginning BOL //digit/ /BOL/digit/ (?m:^)\d
/. at the end EOS /digit/. /digit/EOS/ \d\Z
// at the end EOL /digit// /digit/EOL/ \d(?m:$)

8.2. Backreference

Syntax: =varname, the varname must be a named capture group. Example:

        [number] = digit

matches three of same numbers e.g. 777 or 000. For more examples, see Date and Quoted String in the Examples section.

8.3. The Match-Until Operator

The Match-Until operator __ matches one or more characters until what follows it in the lookup chain. For example:

        open: (
        close: )

The __ will match one or more characters until closing-parenthesis is encountered. The example will fail on string () because __ eats one-or-more. To make it zero-or-more, append the optionalize operator ?:

        open: (
        close: )

8.4. Match-Until Automatic Optimization

The above example is akin to the regex's "lazy dotstar" idiom .*?. The difference is, oprex's __ will try to make some optimizations in some cases:

  • If it is followed by character-class, example:
        stop: . ;

Compiles to [^.;]*+[.;]. The __? uses what follows (the character-class [.;]) so it compiles to [^.;]*+ which is the way to optimize lazy-dotstar for such case.

  • If it is followed by string literal, example:
        stop = 'END'

Compiles to (?:[^E]++|E(?!ND))*+END. Again, the __? uses what follows (the literal END) so it compiles to (?:[^E]++|E(?!ND))*+ which is the way to optimize lazy-dotstar for a case like this.

In any case, the oprex stays super-readable while giving optimized, high-performance regex output.

8.5. Non-Optimized Match-Until

If the __ is not followed by character-class nor string literal, it will compile to the usual lazy-dotplus .+? (or lazy-dotstar .*? in the case of __?). Example:

/__/any//   -- match all characters except the last one 

Compiles to .+?(?s:.)(?m:$)

8.6. Multiline Match-Until

If a Match-Until usage falls in unoptimized case, it will compile to the regular lazy-dotstar/dotplus. In such case, the dot in the lazy-dotstar/dotplus will adhere to the DOTALL flag setting (will not match newline characters without DOTALL). So if you want the dot to really match anything, including newline characters, you'll need to turn on the dotall flag:

(dotall) /__/any/.   -- match all characters (including newlines) except the last one 

Compiles to (?s:.+?.\Z)

9. Alternation Block

Alternation block starts with either <<| or @| and ends with empty line. <<| starts a backtrackable alternation block, while @| starts an atomic one.

9.1. Backtrackable Alternation


Each alt in an alternation block can be:

  • An expression, with restrictions:
    • It cannot be a lookaround block.
    • It cannot be another alternation block.
    • (These limitations force you to refactor sub-alternation/lookaround into a variable. This ensures readability.)
  • A conditional expression.
  • FAIL!
  • empty (will always succeed -- it will try to match empty string, which always succeeds).

9.2. Atomic Alternation

The syntax is similar to the backtrackable one, with one minor difference: atomic alternation starts with @| rather than <<|. Here's an excellent reference describing the difference between the two. Most of the time they are interexchangable, with the atomic version having better performance. But most is not all, and some cases that require backtracking will not work with the atomic version. For example, the Palindrome example shown in the Usage section will not work if its alternation block is changed to atomic.

9.3. Conditional Expression


    <<|               -- can use @| too
      |[cond1] ? alt1
      |[cond2] ? alt2
  • cond1 and cond2 must be names of capture groups.
  • Specs of alts can be seen in Backtrackable Alternation subsection, with one additional restriction: alts cannot be conditional expression.
  • The last branch of an alternation must NOT be a conditional expression, because (see the following example):
       |[x] ? alpha
       |[y] ? digit

If neither x nor y is defined, what should it match? Should it just succeed? Or should it fail? It's not clear. That's why the last branch cannot be a conditional.

  • If you want it to "just succeed", add an empty branch.
  • If you want it to fail, add FAIL!.
  • If you want it to match some (non-conditional) expression, put it as the last branch.


       |[x] ? alpha
       |[y] ? digit
       |            -- or FAIL!, or (non-alternation non-lookaround) expression

For more example, see the Stuff-Inside-Brackets example in the Tutorial section.

9.4. The FAIL! Command

FAIL! compiles to (?!) which will always fail.

10. Lookaround Block

A lookaround block starts with <@> and ends with empty line.

            |lookahead>              -- positive lookahead
            |!lookahead>             -- negative lookahead
 <lookbehind|                        -- positive lookbehind
<!lookbehind|                        -- negative lookbehind

Each of the lookahead, lookbehind, and match_things_normally in the above example can be one of:

10.1. Lookaround Examples

Description Example
Lookahead a variable `
Lookbehind a negation `<non-digit
Negative-lookahead a negation `
Negative-lookahead a backreference `
Negative-lookahead a lookup-chain `
Negative-lookbehind a lookup-chain `<!/alpha/digit/

10.2. The "Match Things Normally" Part

Lookaheads and lookbehinds match characters, but then gives up the match. They do not consume characters in the string. The "match things normally" part is that, match normally/don't just look around/don't give up the match/do consume the characters. Examples


10.3. A Note About <@>

Everywhere else in oprex, the at-sign @ means atomic:

  • In alternation: @| starts an atomic alternation block.
  • In quantification: quantifiers that start with @ (e.g. @1..) are possessive quantifiers, which work atomically.

So how about <@>? The @ there reminds you that lookarounds are atomic. With < in a lookaround-block means lookbehind, and > means lookahead, <@> (which looks like an eye) is the perfect symbol to begin a lookaround-block.

11. Quantification/Repetition

11.1. The of keyword

of is oprex's keyword for doing quantification/repetition:

    quantifier of expression
    quantifier of: c h a r s

For quantifier description, see below. For the target, see expression and character-class.

11.2. Quantifier

11.2.1. Repeat N Times: N of

Example (result in comments):

    zipcode = 5 of digit    -- \d{5}
    byte    = 8 of: 0 1     -- [01]{8}

11.2.2. Repeat N-or-More: N.. of

    wont_listen = @3.. of "la"          -- (?:la){3,}+
    hex_number  = @1.. of: 0..9 A..F    -- [0-9A-F]++

11.2.3. Repeat Min to Max Times: M..N of

    deck = @0..52 of: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X J Q K A
    batman_fight = @7..11 of <<|                

11.3. Greedy/Lazy/Possessive

In oprex, @ means atomic, << means allow backtrack. So, on quantifiers:

@ = atomic = possessive

<<+ = backtrack to add more = lazy

<<- = backtrack to lessen = greedy

The exact syntax is:

Type Syntax (max is optional)
possessive @min..max
greedy min..max <<-
lazy min <<+..max
Example Meaning Compiles To
@1.. atomic one or more ++
1.. <<- match one or more
allow backtrack to reduce the number of matches
1 <<+.. match one
allow backtrack to match more, no max
@0..10 atomic zero to ten {,10}+
0..10 <<- match zero to ten
allow backtrack to lessen
0 <<+..10 match zero
may backtrack to match more, maximum ten

11.4. The ? Operator

  • Can be used as quantifier, i.e. ? of expression, ? of: c h a r s
  • Can be applied directly to:
    • A variable lookup, e.g. digit?
    • Backreference, e.g. =captur?
    • Match-Until operator, i.e. __?

Example: ? of /digit?/=captur?/__?/

11.5. ? Applied to 1..

If ? is applied to an expression while the expression is already quantified by 1.., it will change the quantifier into 0.. while keeping its greediness/laziness/possessivity.


        digits = @1.. of digit

Compiles to \d*+.

If we change the quantifier from @1.. to 1.. <<-, the output becomes \d*, and if we change it to 1 <<+.., the output becomes \d*?.

This improves readability. Consider the following two examples:

    /quote/contents/quote/              -- contents is not optional
        quote: "
        contents = @0.. of not: quote   -- but it allows zero match
    /quote/contents?/quote/             -- contents is optional
        quote: "
        contents = @1.. of not: quote   -- minimum 1 match

Both compile to the same regex: "[^"]*+". But the second example is better. It more clearly shows that there can be no content between the quotes.

12. Redefining wordchar

Unlike other built-in variables, wordhar can be redefined. This is useful because regex's \w means letters, numbers, and underscore; while e.g. in English, what considered word chars are letters and maybe hyphen. So, to redefine wordchar:

  • Just define a variable named wordchar.
  • It must be the first definition.
  • It must be a character-class.
  • It must be global.
  • NOTE: it will also affect WOB and non-WOB (including the prefix/suffix . and _ used with string literal).


*)      wordchar: alpha -

Compiles to (?>(?<=[a-zA-Z\-])(?=[a-zA-Z\-])|(?<![a-zA-Z\-])(?![a-zA-Z\-]))cat(?>(?<=[a-zA-Z\-])(?![a-zA-Z\-])|(?<![a-zA-Z\-])(?=[a-zA-Z\-]))

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