Wigo, aka "What Is Going On" is a light pull/push monitoring tool written in Golang.
Main features
- Write probes in any language you want
- Notifications when a probe status change (http,email)
- Proxy mode for hosts behind NAT/Gateways
- Graphing probes metrics to OpenTSDB instances
echo "deb http://deb.carsso.com jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb.carsso.com.list
wget -O- http://deb.carsso.com/deb.carsso.com.key | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install wigo
echo "deb http://deb.carsso.com wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb.carsso.com.list
wget -O- http://deb.carsso.com/deb.carsso.com.key | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install wigo
echo -e "[carsso]\nname=Carsso\nbaseurl=http://rpm.carsso.com\ngpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/carsso.repo
yum clean all
yum install wigo yum-plugin-security
Wigo configuration is in /etc/wigo/wigo.conf
Probes configurations are in /etc/wigo/conf.d/
The directory name is the interval of check in seconds
├── 120
├── 300
│ ├── apt-security -> ../../probes-examples/apt-security
│ └── smart -> ../../probes-examples/smart
└── 60
├── check_mdadm -> ../../probes-examples/check_mdadm
├── check_processes
├── hardware_disks -> ../../probes-examples/hardware_disks
├── hardware_load_average -> ../../probes-examples/hardware_load_average
├── hardware_memory -> ../../probes-examples/hardware_memory
├── ifstat -> ../../probes-examples/ifstat
└── supervisord
(by default)
# wigocli
Wigo v0.51.5 running on backbone.root.gg
Local Status : 100
Global Status : 250
Remote Wigos : ( ns2 ) - Wigo v0.51.5:
apt-security : 100 No security packages availables
hardware_disks : 250 Highest occupation percentage is 93% in partition /dev/md0
hardware_load_average : 100 0.09 0.04 0.05
hardware_memory : 100 Current memory usage is 19.32%
ifstat : 100 tap0 0.00/0.01 mbps , eth1 0.00/0.00 mbps , eth0 0.01/0.01 mbps ,
smart : 100 /dev/sdc : PASSED /dev/sdb : PASSED
Probes are binaires, written in any language you want, that output a json string with at least Status param :
$ ./hardware_load_average
"Detail" : "",
"Version" : "0.11",
"Message" : "0.38 0.26 0.24",
"Status" : 100,
"Metrics" : [
"Value" : 0.38,
"Tags" : {
"load" : "load5"
"Value" : 0.26,
"Tags" : {
"load" : "load10"
"Value" : 0.24,
"Tags" : {
"load" : "load15"
100 OK
101 to 199 INFO
200 to 299 WARN
300 to 499 CRIT
500+ ERROR
export GOPATH="$GOPATH:..../wigo/src"
go get github.com/docopt/docopt-go
go get github.com/root-gg/gopentsdb
go get github.com/fatih/color
go get github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid
go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml
go get github.com/codegangsta/martini
go get github.com/docopt/docopt-go
go get github.com/fatih/color
go get github.com/lann/squirrel
go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
go get github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid
go get github.com/codegangsta/martini
go get github.com/codegangsta/martini-contrib/auth
go get github.com/codegangsta/martini-contrib/gzip
go get github.com/codegangsta/martini-contrib/secure
go get github.com/howeyc/fsnotify
or (the ugly way)
go install -v src/wigo.go 2>&1 | grep "cannot find package" | grep -Po '"github.com.*"' | sed 's/"//g' | while read line; do go get "$line"; done
go install -v src/wigocli.go 2>&1 | grep "cannot find package" | grep -Po '"github.com.*"' | sed 's/"//g' | while read line; do go get "$line"; done
go build src/wigo.go
go build src/wigocli.go
cd build/deb/
cd build/rpm/
The master fetch remote clients over the http api. Communications should be secured using firewall rules, TLS and http basic authentication.
Clients send their data to a remote master over a persistent tcp connection. Communications should be secured using firewall rules and TLS.
Wigo needs a key pair to enable HTTPS api. One can generate a self signed key pair by running this command :
/usr/local/wigo/bin/generate_cert -ca=false -duration=87600h0m0s -host "hostnames,ips,..." --rsa-bits=4096
Wigo needs a CA key pair to secure PUSH communications. One can generate a CA self signed key pair by running this command :
/usr/local/wigo/bin/generate_cert -ca=true -duration=87600h0m0s -host "hostnames,ips,..." --rsa-bits=4096