- Paul Webster
- Gabriel Madison
- Brandon Marlowe
- Mirza Baig
- ~ 160,000,000 Rows x 155 Columns
- ~ 1.8 Million Rows x 155 Columns
- Produced from 1 hour of logging
Amok |
Deauthentication |
Authentication Request |
- Preprocessing/Cleaning
- Feature Selection
- Classification
A Denial of Service attack that uses unprotected deauthentication packets to spoof an entity. The attacker monitors traffic on a network to discover MAC addresses associated with specific clients. A deauthentication message is then sent to the access point on behalf of a particular MAC address, which forces that client off the network. The attacker then connects to the access point as the client that was previously disconnected.
A type of Flooding Attack -> “In this case the aggressor attempts to exhaust the AP’s resources by causing overflow to its client association table. It is based on the fact that the maximum number of clients which can be maintained in the client AP’s association table is limited and depends either on a hard-coded value on the AP or on its physical memory constraints. An entry on the AP’s client association table is inserted upon the receipt of an Authentication Request message even if the client does not complete its authentication (i.e., is still in the unauthenticated/unassociated state).” - Intrusion Detection in 802.11 Networks: Empirical Evaluation of Threats and a Public Dataset
“In computer networking, ARP spoofing, ARP cache poisoning, or ARP poison routing, is a technique by which an attacker sends (spoofed) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages onto a local area network. Generally, the aim is to associate the attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of another host, such as the default gateway, causing any traffic meant for that IP address to be sent to the attacker instead.” - Wikipedia
[FILE: col_names.txt]
with open(Path(resource_dir, 'col_names.txt')) as cols_fp:
for line_num, name in enumerate(cols_fp):
data.columns = col_names
- removed 7 columns
data = data.replace('?', np.nan)
# If over 60% of the values in a column is null, remove it
prev_num_cols = len(data.columns)
data.dropna(axis='columns', thresh=len(data.index) * 0.40, inplace=True)
print("Removed " + str(prev_num_cols - len(data.columns)) +
" columns with all NaN values.")
for col in data:
if data[col].nunique() >= (len(data.index) * 0.50):
data.drop(columns=cols_to_drop, inplace=True)
- ~ 2000 rows
# Output the minimized and preprocessed dataset to a ZIP file
# (with no index column added)
Path(resource_dir, 'preproc_dataset.zip'),
normalize <- function(x) { return ((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))) }
…even on CSU’s Big Data Servers
We examined distinct values in remaining columns, and chose those with more distinct values for the normal class value than the attack class values
select count(DISTINCT(wlan_fc_moredata))
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='normal'
select count(DISTINCT(wlan_fc_moredata))
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='arp'
select count(DISTINCT(wlan_fc_moredata))
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='amok'
select count(DISTINCT(wlan_fc_moredata))
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='authentication_request'
select count(DISTINCT(wlan_fc_moredata))
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='deauthentication'
select wlan_fc_moredata
from AWID_REMOVED_NULL where class='normal'
wlan.fc.type |
frame.time_delta_displayed |
wlan.duration |
# Keep only the target class and the normal packets
wifiLog2<-wifiLog2[wifiLog2$class=="normal" | wifiLog2$class==ATTACKTYPE, ]
smp_size <- floor(0.66 * nrow(wifiLog2))
- To create synthetic tuples of attack types
Precision - “exactness – what % of tuples that the classifier labeled as positive are actually positive”
Recall and precision are inversely related measures, meaning as precision increases, recall decreases.
- Performed multiple tests for each attack
- Smote.k = 3
- knn.k = 5
- smote.perc.over = 150
- smote.perc.under = 90
- N = 576,582
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 552,958 | 1,731 | 554,689 |
Actual: YES | 4 | 21,889 | 21,893 |
Total | 552,962 | 23,620 |
False Positives | 1,731 |
True Positives | 21,889 |
True Negatives | 552,958 |
False Negatives | 4 |
Accuracy | 99.6990% |
Error Rate | 0.3009% |
Sensitivity | 92.6714% |
Specificity | 99.9992% |
Precision | 92.6714% |
Recall | 99.9817% |
- Too many errors using other settings
- Difficult to improve on already extremely good results
- Smote.k = 3
- knn.k = 5
- smote.perc.over = 150
- smote.perc.under = 90
- N = 565,216
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 511,451 | 42,928 | 554,379 |
Actual: YES | 562 | 10,275 | 10,837 |
Total | 512,013 | 53,203 |
False Positives | 42,928 |
True Positives | 10,275 |
True Negatives | 511,451 |
False Negatives | 562 |
Accuracy | 92.3056% |
Error Rate | 7.6944% |
Sensitivity | 19.3128% |
Specificity | 99.8902% |
Precision | 19.3128% |
Recall | 94.8140% |
- smote.k = 1
- knn.k = 1
- smote.perc.over = 120
- smote.perc.under = 200
- N = 565,216
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 529,906 | 24,473 | 554,379 |
Actual: YES | 1099 | 9,738 | 10,837 |
Total | 531,005 | 34,211 |
False Positives | 24,473 |
True Positives | 9,738 |
True Negatives | 529,906 |
False Negatives | 1099 |
Accuracy | 95.4757% |
Error Rate | 4.5242% |
Sensitivity | 2.8464% |
Specificity | 99.7930% |
Precision | 28.4645% |
Recall | 89.8588% |
- Smote.k = 3
- knn.k = 5
- smote.perc.over = 150
- smote.perc.under = 90
- N = 558,167
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 512,542 | 42,022 | 554,564 |
Actual: YES | 95 | 3,508 | 3,603 |
Total | 512,637 | 45,530 |
False Positives | 42,022 |
True Positives | 3,508 |
True Negatives | 512,542 |
False Negatives | 95 |
Accuracy | 92.4544% |
Error Rate | 7.5455% |
Sensitivity | 7.7048% |
Specificity | 99.9814% |
Precision | 7.7048% |
Recall | 97.3633% |
- smote.k = 1
- knn.k = 1
- smote.perc.over = 90
- smote.perc.under = 400
- N = 558,167
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 527,780 | 26,784 | 554,564 |
Actual: YES | 379 | 3,224 | 3,603 |
Total | 528,159 | 30,008 |
False Positives | 26,784 |
True Positives | 3,224 |
True Negatives | 527,780 |
False Negatives | 379 |
Accuracy | 95.1335% |
Error Rate | 4.8664% |
Sensitivity | 10.7438% |
Specificity | 99.9282% |
Precision | 10.7438% |
Recall | 89.4809% |
- Smote.k = 3
- knn.k = 5
- smote.perc.over = 150
- smote.perc.under = 90
- N = 555,805
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 513,668 | 40,945 | 554,613 |
Actual: YES | 31 | 1,161 | 1,192 |
Total | 513,699 | 42,106 |
False Positives | 40,945 |
True Positives | 1,161 |
True Negatives | 513,668 |
False Negatives | 31 |
Accuracy | 92.6276% |
Error Rate | 7.3723% |
Sensitivity | 2.7573% |
Specificity | 99.9939% |
Precision | 2.7573% |
Recall | 97.3993% |
- Smote.k = 1
- knn.k = 1
- smote.perc.over = 100
- smote.perc.under = 300
- N = 555,805
Predicted: NO | Predicted: YES | Total | |
Actual: NO | 540,840 | 13,773 | 554,613 |
Actual: YES | 152 | 1,040 | 1,192 |
Total | 540,992 | 14,813 |
False Positives | 13,773 |
True Positives | 1,040 |
True Negatives | 540,840 |
False Negatives | 152 |
Accuracy | 97.4946% |
Error Rate | 2.5053% |
Sensitivity | 7.0208% |
Specificity | 99.9719% |
Precision | 7.0208% |
Recall | 87.2483% |
{{{font(4em, Intrusion Detection in 802.11 Networks: Empirical Evaluation of Threats and a Public Dataset)}}} |
{{{font(4em, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol)}}} |