A modern, feature-rich alarm app built with React Native and Expo, featuring a sleek dark theme and advanced alarm capabilities.
- 🌙 Beautiful Dark Theme
- 📅 Alternate Week Scheduling
- 🗓️ Date Exclusions
- 🔄 Repeating Alarms
- 📱 Modern UI/UX
- 💾 Persistent Storage
- 🎵 Custom Alarm Sounds
- 📳 Vibration Patterns
[Add your app screenshots here]
Clone the repository: bash git clone https://github.com/roseateros/alarm-pro.git
Install dependencies: bash cd alarm-pro npm install
Install Expo Go on your mobile device
Start the development server:
bash expo start
- Scan the QR code with Expo Go (Android) or Camera app (iOS)
bash expo install expo-notifications expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage expo install expo-linear-gradient expo install @expo-google-fonts/inter expo install @expo-google-fonts/space-grotesk expo install react-native-calendars
- Alarm sound implementation pending
- Background notifications need configuration
- Some UI elements need refinement
- Implement alarm sounds
- Add background notification support
- Enhance error handling
- Add user preferences
- Implement data backup
This project is currently in development. Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.
Rose Ateros - GitHub
Project Link: https://github.com/roseateros/alarm-pro