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A template letter for shared hosts

Bjørn Rosell edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 10 revisions

Dear [Webhost],

I’m eager to use the webp format and tried the webp-convert library for converting images with PHP ( The library can convert images using multiple methods (imagick extension, gd extension, vips extension, executing cwebp, exectuting imagemagick etc). To be able to convert I need just a single one of these to be properly installed on the server. However, the library tells me that none of them are available on the server.

Can you please provide support for webp conversion with PHP by supporting one of these methods?

To make it easy to see which conversion methods that are working and why they fail, the developer put up a test script here: The failed methods links to installation instructions.

I hope you can manage to get one of these methods working. Not only will my site get faster and gain more google love. It will also take some strain off my server (your server). The WebP images will be approximately half the size of the originals so the bandwidth consumption will be approximately cut in half. It will be win-win, well, even win-win-win, as this will also benefit my visitors.