- EchoServer, EchoClient based on BoostAsio
- https://github.com/rossheo/XProject
- XProject is a echo server/client based on boost asio library.
- Using the boost library, anyone can easily use.
- Visual Studio 2015 Update3
- Windows
- boost library 1.64
- cppformat 3.0.2
- google-protobuf 3.3.0
- log4cplus 2.0-RC1
- loki 0.1.7
- Better Enums 0.11.1
|-- SDKs
| |-- boost_1_64_0
| | |-- boost
| | `-- lib64-msvc-14.0
| |-- log4plus
| | |-- include
| | `-- lib
| |-- loki
| | |-- include
| | `-- lib
| `-- protobuf
| |-- include
| `-- lib
`-- XProject
|-- Build
`-- Code
- This project is available under The BSD-3-Clause. For more information see the License file.