This Katalon Studio plugin provides Slack integration functions.
The main purpose is to collect and send a summary report of an execution to a channel after the execution has completed.
- JDK 1.8
- Maven 3.3+
mvn clean package
- Install the Katalon Studio v6.0.3 or later: win32, win64, macOS, and linux64.
- Choose Plugin > Install Plugin in Katalon Studio main menu and select the generated jar file.
- Click on Slack toolbar button to configure Slack Integration settings that is under is under Plugins category of Project Settings.
- Uncheck Using Slack, and enter your Slack Authentication Token, a channel name, and the location of your report directory (leave blank to only report test results summary)
- Click the Test Connection to check your credentials. If everything is OK, a message should be sent to Slack.
- Click the Apply button then OK to close the Project Settings dialog.
- Execute a test suite and wait for the execution finished, a summary message should be sent to your Slack channel.
- If you have generated reports with the report plug in, and you have indicated the location of your Reports folder in the Slack Integration settings, any report files (html, csv, or pdf) found under the ID for test suites executed will be uploaded to the same Slack channel.
- this requires the files:write:user scope for your app.