Moving and fixed (steady state) dynamic load analysis with sinusoid exciting force (time history analysis) per British Standard and Sétra recommendations
Codes: Ansys APDL
- define element group under name 'moving_load_path' - contains the elements where the load will be applied
- adjust values inside the settings part
- moving_load_results
- (applies only for reduced analysis) define the node/element group under name 'moving_load_results' where results are needed (if not selected the nodes corresponding to 'moving_load_path' will be selected)
- currently can handle only cases where the moving path runs in X direction (local coordinate system required otherwise) and loaded in Z direction
- in case of full transient analaysis the Rayleigh damping coefficients are calculated with the assumptions that the first two important (largest mass participation in excitation direction if mass_sort_freq=1) modes have the specified structural damping
- currently working only with line type load path (torsional modes..)
- the moving_load_path is used for mode shape extraction for BS -> later mode_line COMP
- -> later moving_load_area COMP
The scripts in this repo have been developed at Department of Structural Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.