Application Demo: Job App
The Project was created as a part of CodersCamp initiative by participants of the course, supervised by a mentor. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with team members' profiles and their portfolio:
Mentor: Michał Ciborowski
Project participants:
As a part of the project team members have been assigned to additional roles:
Name | Role in the Project |
Magda Zaniewska-Ciecierska | Project Manager |
Roman Pavlenko | Tech Lead |
Michał Ciborowski | Client |
"Owocowe Czwartki" (Fruit Thursdays) is a Job Board developed with the idea to help potential junior developers find their first job on a dedicated job board, where only junior dev job offers will be posted. You will be able to not overestimate your salary in compare to middle/senior positions and of course find the best place to eat fruits at Thursdays.
Main features of application include:
- check available job offers
- find new job openings using search
- possibility to add offers to favourite tab
- possibility to apply for a job
- use your own google account to authorise on page
Application was developed using Mobile First Design approach and Material UI component library.
Main page is a core of application. All job offers are shown there. You can check available offers or search for offers you are interested in using search input.
Navigation is simplified and icon-based which increase accessability. It is available only on hamburger click on mobile version. For desktop version navigation bar always visible.
Main page:
You can add offer to favourite using 'like' button:
You can authorise to your account using Google account. Click on user image at the top right corner, and Google popup will show up, where you will be able to sign in:
On this page user can check all offers added to favourite:
User is directed to this page from Main page by clicking on each offer. Here all job offer details are shown.
This page gives possibility to apply for a job on form submit.
When page cannot be found in our App user will see below view:
Technologies used in Project:
- React: Router, Hooks
- TypeScript
- Redux toolkit
- Material UI
- Firebase
- MockAPI (backend)
- Vite
- Husky
- Prettier
- Eslint
To run this project, install it locally on your machine using npm:
Clone repository
git clone
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Start dev server
$ npm run dev
Application will launch on http://localhost:3000 in your browser.