This repository contains different infrastructure components that are used in different projects here at NaN Labs.
Collection of examples that were created as a composition of different examples that can be found separately in the examples directory. Read more about the examples in the examples section.
Collection of examples that solve specific problems using small pieces of code.
Collection of shell utilities and scripts.
Automation Seed example. This example contains the following workflows:
- Main Validation (ESLint + Prettier + E2E Tests)
- Manual Execution with Params (Automated Tests execution)
- Periodic Test execution and History update
- Pull Requests validation with DangerJS
React Webpack Boilerplate. This example contains the following workflows:
- Main Validation (ESLint + Prettier + Unit Tests)
- Pull Requests validation with DangerJS
- Deployment example with GitHub Pages
Markdown Lint. This workflow validates the Markdown files in the repository using the markdownlint action.
Shell Check. This workflow validates the shell scripts in the repository using the shellcheck action.
Terraform Check. This workflow validates the Terraform files in the repository using the terraform action.
Collection of DevContainers that can be used to run local development environments using VSCode or Cloud Development environments using GitHub Codespaces.
Collection of Docker and Docker Compose that can be used to run local development environments. Most of the examples can be migrated to other containerization tools such as podman.
Collection of Serverless Framework that can be used to run local development environments and deploy different resources to the Cloud using Serverless Framework and CloudFormation.
- AWS AppSync + TypeScript
- AWS AppSync + Python
- AWS Glue with Python Shell and PySpark Jobs
- Neo4j in EC2
- Serverless S3 Local example
- DocumentDB Cluster
- Contributions make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
- Any contributions you make are truly appreciated.
- Check out our contribution guidelines for more information.
This project is Licensed under the MIT License. Please go through the License atleast once before making your contribution.
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