Prevents text orphans.
orphan (n.) A word, part of a word, or very short line that appears by itself at the end of a paragraph. (via Wikipedia)
Call unorphan()
on some nodes.
unorphan('h1, p')
Or pass on a node, or a list of nodes:
// Node
unorphan(document.querySelector('#top-heading h1'))
// NodeList
unorphan(document.querySelectorAll('h1, p'))
// jQuery
unorphan($('h1, p'))
How does it work? — This changes last orphan space to a non-breaking space so the last 2 words stick together. Yes, it's smart and handles many edge cases.
<!-- before: --> <h1>Hello there world</h1>
<!-- after: --> <h1>Hello there world</h1>
Line breaks — You may also unorphan before line breaks by passing { br: true }
unorphan('h1, p', { br: true })
<p>4 Privet Drive<br>
Little Whigging<br>
npm install unorphan
bower install unorphan
unorphan © 2015+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list). · GitHub @rstacruz · Twitter @rstacruz