This is an infinite very large tree, showing every possible chess game.
For performance reasons, the render distance is one turn.
Use WASD to navigate the tree of possiblilities.
You can view the project here.
This is coded in Elm 0.18. I could have easily used 0.19 instead, but I haven't gotten around to installing it yet.
Actually, this would be difficult, as Elm 0.19 deprecates elm-lang/lazy, which I am using to make a lazy tree of chess games.
index.html is compiler output.
The chess code is not great. (Why does chess have to be so complicated?) The hyperbolic plane code is better.
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
The chess pieces in this project derive from "Chess Artwork - Pieces and Board Art Assets" by Daniela Di Lena, which is licensed under CC BY 4.0.