dohl is a python package proposed to evaluate damage in overhead lines.
To install the package using pip, execute the following command :
python -m pip install git+
Or by downloading the package and executing in the repo :
python -m pip install .
A version of python 3.8 or above is required you can create such environment using conda :
conda create -n dohl_env python=3.8
To activate your environement :
conda activate dohl_env
import numpy as np
from dohl import damage as dmg
def _aster570_data():
m = 1.571
D = 3.105E-02
rts = 1.853E+05
EImin = 2.828E+01
EImax = 2.155E+03
alpha = 0.140652249164
young = 6.8E+10
d = 3.45E-03
ml = False
return m, D, rts, EImin, EImax, alpha, young, d, ml
# Get you conductor data
m, d, rts, EImin, EImax, alpha, _, _, _ = _aster570_data()
# Define your abscisse where to evaluate amplitude
x = np.linspace(0, 0.2, 21)
# Define a frequencie of vibration
f = np.array([10])
# Calculate your tension using rts and a ratio
ratio = np.array([0.15])
t = ratio * rts
# Calculations based on a beam vibration model, from CIGRE with minimal tangential bending stiffness of the cable (EImin)
a = dmg._ampl_cigre(d, f, t, m, EImin, x)
import numpy as np
from dohl import damage as dmg
from dohl.lifespan import damage_year
def _aster570_data():
m = 1.571
D = 3.105E-02
rts = 1.853E+05
EImin = 2.828E+01
EImax = 2.155E+03
alpha = 0.140652249164
young = 6.8E+10
d = 3.45E-03
ml = False
return m, D, rts, EImin, EImax, alpha, young, d, ml
# Get your conductor data
mu, D, rts, EImin, EImax, alpha, young, d, ml = _aster570_data()
# Generate your wind
u = np.linspace(0, 5, 21)[1:]
# Calculate your tension using rts and a ratio
ratio = np.array([0.15])
h = ratio * rts
# Set your damping method
dm = 'olla_approx'
# Set your fictive stress method
fsm = 'fymax'
# Set bending stiffness to use
fsba = 'min'
# Calculate your curvature
x0 = alpha * h / rts
# Calculate your damage
ym, yb, sg, ls = damage_year(u, h, D, d, mu, young, EImin, EImax,
wind_method='cigre', damping_method=dm,
fictive_stress_method=fsm, fsba=fsba,
multilayer=ml, rts=rts, x0=x0)
Make sure you have sphinx and the Readthedocs theme installed:
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
Go to the doc directory and build:
cd doc
make html
The documentation can then be accessed from doc/build/html/index.html
dohl is developed by Eurobios and supported by Rte-R&D via the OLLA project ( see ResearchGate).