Matlab code for FUND 4.1 MG
FUND is the Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution
To run the model, type FUNDglobal or FUND42MG
June 30, 2018: Added constant consumption discount rates (hidden from standard output display, because you should not do this)
June 23, 2018: The year for which the social cost of carbon is computed is now a constant (in initialize.m) rather than 2015.
May 14, 2018: Added Weitzman's other impact function
March 29, 2018: Fixed land use emissions; added SSP scenarios
March 20, 2018: Fixed CO2 concentration
March 19, 2018: Added Tol's piecewise linear impact function
March 18, 2018: Updated Hope's impact function; updated observed impacts; added Golosov's impact function
August 6, 2014: Improved flow and readability of code
August 2, 2014: Replaced artificial scenarios with SRES
July 24, 2014: Added social cost of carbon
July 18, 2014: Added energy; endogenised CO2 emissions from energy use
June 16, 2014: Added aggregate impact models
June 13, 2014: Added CFC11, CFC12, sulphur aerosols, air temperature, ocean temperature
June 10, 2014: Added methane, nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride
June 10, 2014: Added observed concentrations of carbon dioxide
June 6, 2014: Carbon dioxide only