This is a variation of the library, with the following changes:
- Restores the functionality of enabling Camera and Gallery button in MultiSelect.
- cameraButton(ButtonType.Button) to enable.
- galleryButton(ButtonType.None) to disable.
- Adds the functionality of changing the color of Background, Text and Icons programmatically.
- backgroundColor(color: ColorInt) to change the background color.
- textColor(color: ColorInt) to change the text color.
- iconColor(color: ColorInt) to change the icon color.
A modern image picker implemented as BottomSheet.
- select single/multiple images right in the bottom sheet
- use camera to take a picture
- choose image from gallery app
- handles all permission requests
This library is based on BSImagePicker. I reimplemented everything in Kotlin and added some features. Also, I used the new androidX artifacts.
Minimum SDK: 17
First make sure jitpack
is included as a repository in your project's build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
And then add the below to your app's build.gradle:
implementation 'com.kroegerama:bottomsheet-imagepicker:<version>'
Just follow the guide from Official Android Document. See the demo application file_paths.xml and AndroidManifest.xml.
The caller Activity or Fragment has to implement BottomSheetImagePicker.OnImagesSelectedListener
to receive the selection callbacks. It will automatically be used by the image picker. No need to register a listener.
class AcMain: BaseActivity(), BottomSheetImagePicker.OnImagesSelectedListener {
override fun onImagesSelected(uris: List<Uri>, tag: String?) {
toast("Result from tag: $tag")
uris.forEach { uri ->
val iv = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.scrollitem_image, imageContainer, false) as ImageView
public class AcMainJava extends BaseActivity implements BottomSheetImagePicker.OnImagesSelectedListener {
public void onImagesSelected(@NotNull List<? extends Uri> uris, @Nullable String tag) {
for (Uri uri : uris) {
ImageView iv = (ImageView) LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.scrollitem_image, imageContainer, false);
You can set a requestTag
in the builder. This is useful when you need to show more than one picker on the same page. You will receive this tag as tag
parameter in the callback.
The setters are all optional and the builder will fallback to default values.
.cameraButton(ButtonType.Button) //style of the camera link (Button in header, Image tile, None)
.galleryButton(ButtonType.Button) //style of the gallery link
.singleSelectTitle(R.string.pick_single) //header text
.peekHeight(R.dimen.peekHeight) //peek height of the bottom sheet
.columnSize(R.dimen.columnSize) //size of the columns (will be changed a little to fit)
.requestTag("single") //tag can be used if multiple pickers are used
new BottomSheetImagePicker.Builder(getString(R.string.file_provider))
.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), null);
.multiSelect(3, 6) //user has to select 3 to 6 images
R.plurals.pick_multi, //"you have selected <count> images
R.plurals.pick_multi_more, //"You have to select <min-count> more images"
R.string.pick_multi_limit //"You cannot select more than <max> images"
.peekHeight(R.dimen.peekHeight) //peek height of the bottom sheet
.columnSize(R.dimen.columnSize) //size of the columns (will be changed a little to fit)
.requestTag("multi") //tag can be used if multiple pickers are used
new BottomSheetImagePicker.Builder(getString(R.string.file_provider))
.multiSelect(3, 6)
.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), null);
//inside activity
//inside fragment
//inside activity
.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), null);
//inside fragment
.show(getChildFragmentManager(), null);