Welcome to Vinyl Library
Vinyl Library is a full stack (MERN) CRUD app.
Register & User Login
Full Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality for adding records to a collection
Filtering through your collection to find specific records
Protected Routes
Visually browse through the collection using album art images
Visual representation of the users physical record collection
- Discogs Oauth login (80% complete)
Allowing the user to fetch record information allowing the user to add records faster and with more accuracy
- Sorting the users physical collection (99% complete)
In the least possible steps by highlighting and showing the user which records to move in a visual representation of their physical collection
- Various sorting algorithms (in progress)
(Merge sort, Quick sort etc..)
- User Statistics (90% complete (awaiting Discogs Oauth)
Showing the user a variety of statistics about their collection including (most valuable record, number of records, duplicate records, most popular genre etc..)