Development repository of GamiPress Blocks for Gutenberg.
- GamiPress 1.6.0 or higher
- Gutenberg
Note: Enabling this plugin will dequeue GamiPress blocks assets to enqueue development ones.
npm start
npm run build
- Fixed issue with preview in backend.
- Fixed issue that prevent RadioControl changes.
- Ensure to use the field default value if field value is not set.
- Make conditions able to work with checkboxes.
- Make async select load a set of default options.
- Fixed issue on conditions functionality when passing an array to define the condition.
- Added support for Javascript objects conditions.
- Updated project dependencies.
- Remove lodash usage to avoid functions conflicts.
- Updated all project dependencies to latest stable releases.
- New component: MultiCheckboxControl (works equal than RadioControl but with checkboxes).
- Added support for multicheck fields through MultiCheckboxControl.
- On field conditions added support to array values.
- Force React-Select fields value to string.
- Make React-Select fields full width.
- Added support for color pickers (using the ColorPalette control) at this moment without alpha support.
- Added the class gamipress-field-type-{field_type} to each field.
- Removed wp-blocks dependency on front-end assets.
- HTML improvements following the Gutenberg structure of PanelBody > PanelRow.
- Improvements on tabs fields loop.
- Added GamiPress front-end styles to editor styles.
- Fixed repeated fields rendering on tabs.
- Added support to 'relation' index on field 'conditions' argument.
- Use block icons given from server.
- Improvements on shortcode to block name transforms.
- Allow HTML on fields help.
- Turn textarea fields into TextareaControl.
- Initial release.