Release Notes
We, at Rubix, are delighted to share this release with the introduction of two new Native Assets!
Fungible Tokens
Fungible Tokens (FT) are secondary tokens on Rubix which unlocks opportunities to implement various use-cases including community-driven projects, Real-World Asset Tokenization and Decentralized AI to name a few.
FTs can be thought of as individual units, similar to the conception of RBT. The foundation of these tokens stems from RBT. For creation of FT, one needs to lock a certain number of RBT tokens. The locking process of RBT is irreversible. For instance, if 1 RBT is locked in favor of minting 100 FT units, then each FT unit will have a value of 0.01 RBT. In this way, these FTs are governed by the security and economic layer of RBTs.
To know more about Fungible Tokens, refer the docs here
Non-Fungible Tokens
Non-Fungible Tokens are introduced as Native Assets in Rubix which represents an underlying asset. They could be Real World Assets (RWA), Unique Access Tokens, Digital Collectibles, etc. These are properties which have an ownership aspect, along with other paradigms like regulatory restrictions, time-based usage, etc. Rubix offers the flexibility to make any file or archive as a native NFT.
Interaction with NFT on Rubix is free. The minting of NFT involves a pledge of 1 RBT from Quorums, while in case of NFT Ownership transfer, the pledge value depends on the Sale value of the NFT.
To know more about Non Fungible Tokens, refer the docs here
- 155f54c Add Error handling for
- 57d164a Add TODO comment
- 2c43e2a Add api : list-nfts-by-did
- d5688f1 Add api: /api/fetch-nft and command : fetch-nft
- b84225f Add api: /api/get-nfts-by-did and command get-nfts-by-did
- 38e4866 Add auto-subscription of smartcontract while deploying
- 4fb5eb9 Add command execute and deploy nft
- 5d79812 Add error handling for
- 1dee387 Add functions and variables for implementation of FT
- 759b365 Add functions for FT consensus
- e5a12b0 Add input param validation of FT functions
- 3141578 Add new key, nftData
- 5892e48 Add nft basic structure [WIP: Breaking]
- 6882df1 Add nft deployment and execution
- 6a07e65 Add nftdata key in decode token chain
- 78ffc65 Add swagger and minor fixes
- 22b7d57 Adding TC dump decoder
- 458779c Adding the testnet bootstrap to configurations
- bbefd50 Adding tokenchain decoder for tokenchain dump
- 7b68a42 Change api list-nfts-by-did to list-nfts
- 3b5218c Change execute-nft -> transfer-nft
- 70957bf Change in createFT input param error handling
- bafd2af Code cleanup
- 23c47b9 Expanding TC decoder to SmartContracts
- a5178e7 Fix : Did not checked while creating smart contract token
- ed17072 Fix : Error message not returned properly
- 7a1f1fc Fix : did not updated in NFTTable if subsrcibed before deploying nft
- a7fe2f8 Fix : nft file name not proper while executing
- fb67218 Fix typo
- bb4028e Fix: Generate Smart Contract command giving smart contract token hash in response
- 905a11a Fix: Receiver NFTTable updation issue
- 98dfe5a Fix: Smart contract token hash not returned
- 1aed3ea Fix: block-key mismatch
- a038f2a Fix: nft hash not returned
- dee1fd3 Fix: nft owner not updated
- 912f549 Handle error and a minor fix
- c277e9f Merge branch 'development' into arnab/fix-transfer-between-self-dids
- b9a7f22 Merge branch 'development' into maneesha/fp-flag-error-handling
- e99edcc Merge branch 'development' into maneesha/tokenchain-validation
- 4262d5c Merge branch 'development' into maneesha/tokenchain-validation
- e798791 Merge branch 'development' of into arnab/fix-transfer-between-self-dids
- ed25656 Merge branch 'development' of into arnab/fix-transfer-between-self-dids
- b2f3b0f Merge branch 'development' of into gklps/tokenchaindumpdecoder
- 1b08731 Merge branch 'development' of into maneesha/tokenchain-validation
- 10e8a15 Merge branch 'development' of into maneesha/tokenchain-validation
- a7b7130 Merge branch 'vaishnav/feature/ft' into development
- ceb6594 Merge pull request #185 from rubixchain/maneesha/tokenchain-validation
- 90ab0ca Merge pull request #190 from rubixchain/gklps/tokenchaindumpdecoder
- 9c568f0 Merge pull request #207 from rubixchain/arnab/fix-transfer-between-self-dids
- 748c256 Merge pull request #210 from rubixchain/gklps/tokenVerificationEnh
- 396fa2e Merge pull request #212 from rubixchain/maneesha/fp-flag-error-handling
- 9b99373 Merge pull request #213 from rubixchain/maneesha/maintain-GoStandard-CamelCase
- 90be7e7 Merge pull request #215 from rubixchain/hari/remove-pwd-from-bipseed
- 664957f Merge pull request #224 from rubixchain/hari/mnemonic-filepath-handler
- 96c6ed1 Merge pull request #226 from rubixchain/fix/allen/smartcontract
- 20f40e3 Merge pull request #229 from rubixchain/feature/allen/nft
- 7603639 Merge pull request #232 from rubixchain/sai/update-swagger-params
- 737614d Merge pull request #235 from rubixchain/arnab/fix/add-missing-code-block
- bb2471b Merge pull request #236 from rubixchain/sai/resoving-fetchsmartcontract-api-error
- e8d0bbe Merge pull request #239 from rubixchain/arnab/nft-self-exec-fix
- 5a27785 Merge pull request #241 from rubixchain/fix/allen/nft
- 8544ae1 Merge pull request #246 from rubixchain/fix/allen/get-nft-list
- 98246d5 Merge pull request #254 from rubixchain/fix/allen/auto-subscribe-sc
- eb28f85 Merge pull request #256 from rubixchain/ashi/TestNetBootstrapUpdate
- 3edb68e Merge pull request #258 from rubixchain/allen/fix/add-new-nft-apis
- 1cd5307 Merge pull request #260 from rubixchain/feature/allen/nft-command-update
- cdb635d Merge pull request #269 from rubixchain/ashi/TestSwarmKey_add
- 50c1916 Merge pull request #272 from rubixchain/arnab/fix-nft-transfer-between-different-nodes
- 39ead92 Merge pull request #273 from rubixchain/arnab/fix-same-peer-did-ft-transfer
- ccddf80 Merge pull request #274 from rubixchain/arnab/bump-version-number
- f97220b Merge pull request #275 from rubixchain/development
- 3b98b29 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into vaishnav/feature/ft
- f3d0b0f NLSSshare as NLSSShare
- 385b1dc Refactor : createNFT
- 7c79291 Refactor nft file in ipfs & Fix db update
- f82aaf5 Refactor: transfer-nft -> execute-nft
- 7a0aa0a Remove comments
- fb27451 Remove peerID.DID formatting
- a77810d Remove unwanted debug logs
- b064918 Remove unwanted log and print statements
- 9d164a5 Rename get-nft-token-chain -> dump-nft-token-chain
- 9b758f3 This commit will enable decode tokenchain
- a13acf6 Token Verification Client Enhancements
- 39a8aef Update FT consensus
- f5278e2 Update command description for NFT
- 5ec02cc Update in FT consensus
- 87027be Update in FT params and fix typo-errors
- 71672f4 Update in FT tokenchain.
- a14b5ed Update in commad help
- 6214a93 Update in createFT error handling
- f8d0ede Update in createFT input param type
- 10fa008 Update in tokenstate hash updating functions
- 9739751 [skip actions] fixed comment
- 5dda916 added 'epoch' in keyMapping
- 7b4598f added check to skip FT transfer update SQL DB if both Sender and Receiver belong to the same node
- cd71db6 added test cases for with & without fp flag
- 5ffd9dd added validation for trans types: pledged, unpledged and contract committed
- 17f0e77 bugfix: fixed self execution flow for NFT where the NFT value is fetched from NFTTable
- 3f76df5 bumped version from 0.0.18 to 0.0.19
- 6374cc5 changing snake_case to camelCase
- 4f53fde code changes to resolve the fetch smartcontract API error.
- 9a30601 committing changes according to the suggestions in the review
- 162fba1 correcting invalid parameters of the register call back URL API's swagger doc.
- 8ef31b2 exit if mnemonic file not found
- 4ca68d3 fix: added a condition which checks the DIDTable to see if the receiver DID is local to sender DID's peer
- 9a4d4d4 fix: re-added block to notify previous quorums to remove trans tokens from TokenStateHash table that have their token state exhausted
- b829226 fixed multi-node NFT transfer scenario where the NFTTable on the receiver's end was not updated with correct DID and NFTValue inputs; added the NFT subscription function under NFT Deploy function where the Deployers will subscribe to NFT by default
- 73a2174 fixed FTTokensTransffered function by including a param which indicates whether the Receiver and Sender are same
- a80e65d fixed did info in addpeerdetails command
- 8203fe4 fixed receiver peerID assignment
- 79719dc fixed swagger description for NFT APIs; fixed updates to NFTTokensTable
- 369c383 fixed transfer of RBT tokens between DIDs that are present on the same node by adding a validation rule to check for receiver's DID in DIDTable following the DIDPeerTable check
- f15c8f0 fixed transfer of rbt between DIDs when either is present on a Quorum node
- e22f2a3 handling errors and unnecessary flags
- 0069c85 handling quorum password in setupquorum for lite mode did
- d361159 handling setupquorum in lite mode
- 7593733 handling validation of synced tokenchains
- d0b1960 improvement: did_type associates with did
- 2ef7db3 improving error handling
- cfbbf3c optimized tests for fp flag
- 2e8006e python test script added for force-passwords
- d514172 readme update
- cbeec76 refactor: handled missing errors; fixed the return of UpdateTokenStateHash API by passing an empty struct
- b8dc9d3 remove -privPWD from bip seed creation
- 43725d9 removing extra debug statements
- beaaa7f removing recurring validations and updating smart contract validations
- 80709e0 removing redundant import functions
- 1cca611 removing smart contract bug fixes from this branch
- 3fd534b removing the function LockInvalidToken
- 130ffe0 removing the un-necessary comments
- b97261d resolving error with signer validation
- 20911db resolving error with the python test script flag --run_nodes_only
- 1050a14 second time changes after review
- 31bfcda smart contract token chain validation
- 8d60b32 snake_case to CamelCase
- 4eb669f some quick cleanup
- 9a19911 test swarm key add
- dcf2fe7 token chain validation for transferred RBTs
- 0162fbf update README and handle errors for missing flags
- ab76f41 updating the readme to include command changes