Basic Tkinter Framework for Python GUI
- Easy Debugging for GUI
- Hot Reload
- Light and Dark Title Bar
- Inbuilt Themes
- Linear Gradients
- Angular Gradients
- Circular Gradients
- Automatic Updates
- Installer Creator
- Testing Channel Creation
- Crash Reporting
- Analytics
- Get System Preffered Color
Documentation for this project is available at
- rdbende (for amazing Ttk Themes)
- tkWidgets
- CustomTkinter
- BlurWindow
- Pytkfaicons
- Inbulilt collaboration with features from other frameworks(PySimpleGUI,DearPyGui and PyQt)
- Support Android Dev with AndroTk
- Add better effects on apps with pyopengltk
- Access windows/mac/linux default settings and sounds directly
- Enable/Disable modules [as in apache]