What is this ?
This is a Automatic kernel builder, which is totally online. No need for PCs anymore.
Brought to you by ElytrA8
This only supports Gcc for now
Just Edit .github/workflows/compiler.yml
As per your choice
KERNEL_SOURCE: this is your repo
BRANCH : this is branch of repo which gonna be compiled
DEFCONFIG: will be you config file
MIR: this is your mirror
FOLDERNAME: is your folder which will be cloned
Example:- https://github.com/Area69Lab/kernel-automation.git
here kernel-automation will be your folder name
config | site name | website |
arp | Airportal | https://aitportal.cn/ |
bit | bitSend | https://bitsend.jp/ |
cat | CatBox | https://catbox.moe/ |
cow | CowTransfer | https://www.cowtransfer.com/ |
gof | GoFile | https://gofile.io/ |
tmp | TmpLink | https://tmp.link/ |
vim | Vim-cn | https://img.vim-cn.com/ |
wss | WenShuShu | https://www.wenshushu.cn/ |
wet | WeTransfer | https://wetransfer.com/ |
flk | FileLink | https://filelink.io/ |
trs | Transfer.sh | https://transfer.sh/ |
lzs | Lanzous | https://www.lanzous.com/ |
Contact us at our support chat here
Thanks to Pulkit for helping me with everything
Thanks to Jamie for infinite help