Angular RunKit Component.
Install the package.
$ npm i -S angular-runkit
Add the RunKit embed library to your index page:
<script src=""></script>
Whitelist angular-runkit
in your System.js config:
map: {
'angular-runkit': 'npm:angular-runkit/dist/index.js',
Declare the component in your module:
import { RunKitEmbedComponent } from 'angular-runkit'
declarations: [
<runkit-embed source='console.log("Hello, world!")'></runkit-embed>
Don't forget to check out the RunKit embed docs.
Specify the source code that the notebook will use.
<runkit-embed source='console.log("Hello, world!")'></runkit-embed>
If true
, the user will not be able to edit or run the embed.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
If 'endpoint'
, the notebook will be run as an endpoint and a link to the served page will be shown.
source='exports.endpoint = (req, res) => res.end("Hello, world!")'
Request a version or semver range for the node engine.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Provide a list of environment variables accessible in the notebook through process.env.
source='console.log(`Hello, ${ process.env.FIRST_NAME } ${ process.env.LAST_NAME }!`)'
[env]='["FIRST_NAME=Haskell", "LAST_NAME=Curry"]'
Provide a title for the notebook when opened on RunKit.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Provide a minimum height for the embed ('130px'
by default).
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Specify the Unix time in milliseconds at which packages should resolved. Packages published after the date will be ignored.
Specify source code that is run before the main source. This code will not be shown in the embed.
source='console.log(, [1, 2, 3]))'
preamble='const _ = require("lodash/fp")'>
Provide a callback that is run when the embed is loaded.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Provide a callback that is run whenever the embed's URL changes.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Provide a callback that is run whenever the embed is evaluated.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'
Evaluate the notebook.
source='console.log("Hello, world!")'>
<button (click)='embed.evaluate()'>Run</button>