A Symfony2 bundle for working with the old iDEAL Mollie API.
This bundle uses AMNL\Mollie created by Arno Moonen.
If you start a new project today, don't use this bundle, but use RuudkPaymentMollieBundle which is powered by JMSPaymentCorebundle and Omnipay/Mollie and support the new Mollie API that supports ideal, credit cards, mister cash and more.
php composer.phar require ruudk/mollie-bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ruudk\MollieBundle\RuudkMollieBundle(),
Finally, add the following to your config.yml
# app/config/config_prod.yml
partner_id: # Your partner ID
profile_key: ~ # Optional profile key
testmode: true
buzz_client: # Optional Buzz client, can be file_get_contents or curl
Congratulations! You're ready.
$ideal = $this->container->get('mollie.ideal');
$minitix = $this->container->get('mollie.minitix');
$ivr = $this->container->get('mollie.ivr');
For full usage of the Mollie API see the documentation.