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, we are the good guys
A Single Page Application Javascript framework that has all the wistles to make your website as fast as possible on the modern web.
Takes minutes to setup.
Can be connected to any CMS that can return JSON or can be setup with a static JSON file.
Supports standard, nested, overlay pages styles.
Has a simple event system that allows for a free component structure.
Build on Backbone for maximum code freedom.
To be made public end of 2015.
The framework works out of the box with a static JSON file. Check out the examples/page-types branch.
But it is primairly used to ajax-call a server and receive a JSON response , see example branches for details.
The repo includes — other than the framework it self.
- a gulp setup that is geared towards how we work at RWATGG. In theory the Gulp files should not be modified pr. project.
- stylus mixins
- Framework Javascript code.
- Debug view for the framework. To get up and running with routes and all pages real quick
Dependencies Backbone RelaxLib (insert link)
npm install
bower install
gulp build gulp deploy-dev (css,js,images,ejs) gulp deploy-prod (deploy + cdn) gulp upload-file --file <path>
Project requires a ftp.json file
- Create a Umbraco specific branch.
package.json specific stuff (should be placed in Umbraco repo)
"NET_WebsitePath" ex.: "/Katvig/Katvig.Website"
"remoteViews" ex.: "katvig.dk/Views/",
"remoteConfig" ex.: "katvig.dk/Config/"
add scripts to be ignored in build process by adding them to scripts_ignore in package. Be aware that watch task ignores vendors folder.
Features ...
Allow pages to cache them selves upon interaction
<a href="..." single-cache="true">
1.1 to bind elements that are not apart of a DefaultPage scope
add overlay pages An overlay page does not remove it's previous page
application.pages = new PagesCollection overlayTypes: ["signup"] ...
Testing get started quickly, use Project folder to test static json.
single-boilerplate.css will clear out any bad styles.
Allow for pre-fetching of pages.
Animation control Listen for page animation state changes
Defaultly trigged from DefaultPage, but can be further controlled by overwriting these two methods:
protected animateIn () ...
protected animateOut (newModel: PageModel) ...
Remember to trigger states when your animations are done, or call super.
New pages or global UI components can listen for the current PageModel instance or the "prev-model" from a PageModel instance.
application.pages.on("updated", this.onPageUpdate, this); private onPageUpdate(model: PageModel) ...
page-transition: see how to make a transition between two pages
page-types: see how to create individual pages
@pages = new PagesCollection updateTypes: [array of page types that act as a updateable page] ignoredCacheTypes: [array of page types that should not be cached (hover etc.)] modelClasses: "*": PageModel "storelocator": StoreLocatorModel set specific page models (always extend fra PageModel) $context: $("#content") where to add pages to rootURL: "/" @router = new Router pages: @pages // mandatory routes: window.routes // Mandatory [object Object] tracking: new GATracking() // optional, expects the interface of GATracking // define templates in window.templates // bind pages types with template types PageModel.addAliasRoutes "home": "grid" "about": "grid"
Routes get's set via routes option in "new Router" routes accept two types of definitions List or arrays
Array example
window.routes =
frontpage: "/en"
listpage: Array[1]
section: Array[3]
textpage: Array[12]
0: "/en/about/who-we-are"
1: "/en/about/resist-the-usual"
2: "/en/network"
List example
window.routes =
about: "/about"
artist: "/artists/:artist"
artists: "/artists"
contact: "/contact"
These can be combined...