Trendy is a web app built in a React frontend using Google's Material-UI library and a Java backend built in Spring Boot.
Trendy is a social media app that allows users to discover new music and add them to their profile. The more new music users discover and add, the more likely they will get recommended to other users who share similar interests in music. And users will be recommended events based on the music in their favorites.
Here are some examples of different user flows.
The landing page gives an introduction of how the app works. Users can browse music, but can not access all of the features of the app until they sign up or login.
The user either signs up or logs in and is then redirected to their progile page.
If a user is no longer interested in a song they can remove it from their favorites. They can also do the same to a user in their friends list if they no longer feel friendly with the user.
Make sure Docker and NPM are installed on your local computer
Obtain an API key from lastfm
Create a .env file in the root folder that looks like this:
Save key into your .env file as REACT_APP_LASTFM_API_KEY=yourAPIKey
cd into spring-boot-monolith folder
In terminal run:
idea build.gradle
docker-compose up
After this is done, open another window in terminal
cd to the root directory:
npm install
npm start