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fix_integrity: fixed name, added tests
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co0ll3r committed Apr 11, 2021
1 parent 34c0718 commit 16005ef
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Showing 4 changed files with 66 additions and 39 deletions.
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions src/NITTA/Model/IntegrityCheck.hs
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

{- |
Module : NITTA.Model.IntegrityCheck
Description : Tests vertical relations in PU
Description : Module for checking model description consistency
Copyright : (c) Artyom Kostyuchik, 2021
License : BSD3
Maintainer : [email protected]
Expand All @@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ import NITTA.Utils
import Safe

checkIntegrity pu =
let pr = process pu
getInterMap =
let getInterMap =
[ (pID, f)
| step@Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps pr
| step@Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps $ process pu
, isFB step
, f <- case pDesc of
(FStep f) -> [f]
Expand All @@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ checkIntegrity pu =
M.fromListWith (++) $
[ concatMap (\v -> [(v, [(pID, ep)])]) $ variables ep
| step@Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps pr
| step@Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps $ process pu
, isEndpoint step
, ep <- case pDesc of
(EndpointRoleStep e) -> [e]
Expand All @@ -45,14 +44,12 @@ checkIntegrity pu =
getInstrMap =
[ (pID, pDesc)
| Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps pr
| Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps $ process pu
, isInstruction pDesc
in and
[ checkEndpointToIntermidiateRelation getEpMap getInterMap pr
, checkInstructionToEndpointRelation getInstrMap getEpMap pr
, True
, True
[ checkEndpointToIntermidiateRelation getEpMap getInterMap $ process pu
, checkInstructionToEndpointRelation getInstrMap getEpMap $ process pu

checkEndpointToIntermidiateRelation eps ifs pr = S.isSubsetOf makeRelationList rels
Expand Down
58 changes: 37 additions & 21 deletions src/NITTA/Model/ProcessorUnits/Broken.hs
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Broken (
IOPorts (..),
) where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.List (find, (\\))
import Data.Set (elems, fromList, member)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ data Broken v x t = Broken
, -- |lost source endpoint due synthesis
lostEndpointSource :: Bool
, wrongAttr :: Bool
, -- | lost vertical relation
lostVerticalRelation :: Bool
, lostFunctionRelation :: Bool
, lostEndpointRelation :: Bool
, lostInstructionRelation :: Bool
, unknownDataOut :: Bool

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,33 +120,46 @@ instance (VarValTime v x t) => EndpointProblem (Broken v x t) v t where
| not $ null remain = concatMap (endpointOptions . execution pu) $ tail remain
endpointOptions pu@Broken{remain} = concatMap (endpointOptions . execution pu) remain

endpointDecision pu@Broken{targets = [v], currentWorkEndpoints, wrongControlOnPush, lostVerticalRelation} d@EndpointSt{epRole = Target v', epAt}
| v == v'
, let (newEndpoints, process_') = runSchedule pu $ do
updateTick (sup epAt)
let ins = scheduleInstruction (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPush then 1 else 0) epAt) Load
let ins' = if lostVerticalRelation then fmap (const []) ins else ins
scheduleEndpoint d ins' =
{ process_ = process_'
, targets = []
, currentWorkEndpoints = newEndpoints ++ currentWorkEndpoints
, doneAt = Just $ sup epAt + 3
pu@Broken{targets = [], sources, doneAt, currentWork = Just (a, f), currentWorkEndpoints, wrongControlOnPull, lostVerticalRelation}
pu@Broken{targets = [v], currentWorkEndpoints, wrongControlOnPush, lostInstructionRelation, lostEndpointRelation}
d@EndpointSt{epRole = Target v', epAt}
| v == v'
, let (newEndpoints, process_') = runSchedule pu $ do
updateTick (sup epAt)
let ins =
if lostInstructionRelation
then return []
else scheduleInstruction (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPush then 1 else 0) epAt) Load
if lostEndpointRelation then return [] else scheduleEndpoint d ins =
{ process_ = process_'
, targets = []
, currentWorkEndpoints = newEndpoints ++ currentWorkEndpoints
, doneAt = Just $ sup epAt + 3
pu@Broken{targets = [], sources, doneAt, currentWork = Just (a, f), currentWorkEndpoints, wrongControlOnPull, lostInstructionRelation, lostEndpointRelation, lostFunctionRelation}
d@EndpointSt{epRole = Source v, epAt}
| not $ null sources
, let sources' = sources \\ elems v
, sources' /= sources
, let (newEndpoints, process_') = runSchedule pu $ do
let ins = scheduleInstruction (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPull then 0 else -1) epAt) Out
let res = scheduleEndpoint d $ if lostVerticalRelation then fmap (const []) ins else ins
let ins =
if lostInstructionRelation
then return []
else scheduleInstruction (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPull then 0 else -1) epAt) Out
let res =
if lostEndpointRelation
then return []
else scheduleEndpoint d ins
endpoints <- res
when (null sources') $ do
high <- scheduleFunction (a ... sup epAt) f
--if lostFunctionRelation
-- then return []
-- else
let low = endpoints ++ currentWorkEndpoints
uncurry establishVerticalRelations $ if lostVerticalRelation then ([], []) else (high, low)
unless lostFunctionRelation $ uncurry establishVerticalRelations (high, low)
updateTick (sup epAt + 1)
return endpoints =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +221,9 @@ instance (Time t) => Default (Broken v x t) where
, lostEndpointTarget = False
, lostEndpointSource = False
, wrongAttr = False
, lostVerticalRelation = False
, lostFunctionRelation = False
, lostEndpointRelation = False
, lostInstructionRelation = False
, unknownDataOut = False

Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/NITTA/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ module NITTA.Utils (
module NITTA.Utils.Base,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,8 +111,6 @@ isFB s = isJust $ getFB s
getFB Step{pDesc} | FStep fb <- descent pDesc = Just fb
getFB _ = Nothing

getFBs p = mapMaybe getFB $ sortOn stepStart $ steps p

isEndpoint ep = isJust $ getEndpoint ep

getEndpoint Step{pDesc} | EndpointRoleStep role <- descent pDesc = Just role
Expand Down
27 changes: 22 additions & 5 deletions test/NITTA/Model/ProcessorUnits/Broken/Tests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,11 +115,28 @@ tests =
, testGroup
"broken relations integrity check"
[ expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost relations" u{lostVerticalRelation = True} fsGen
[ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp relation positive test" u{lostVerticalRelation = False} fsGen
, puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp relation positive test" u{lostVerticalRelation = False} fsGen
, expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost relations" u{lostVerticalRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp lost relations" u{lostVerticalRelation = True} fsGen
[ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp relation positive test" u fsGen
, puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp relation positive test" u fsGen
, --- TODO fix case when we have lost Intstruction but integrityCheck is OK
expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost instr and ep" u{lostInstructionRelation = True, lostEndpointRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost Function" u{lostFunctionRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost Endpoints" u{lostEndpointRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ finitePUSynthesisProp "finitePUSynthesisProp lost Instruction" u{lostInstructionRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp lost Function" u{lostFunctionRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp lost Endpoints" u{lostEndpointRelation = True} fsGen
, expectFail $ puCoSimProp "puCoSimProp lost Instruction" u{lostInstructionRelation = True} fsGen
, testGroup
--"broken relations coSimTest"
"broken relations integrity check"
[ nittaCoSimTestCase "nittaCoSimTestCase positive test" (maBroken u) alg
, typedLuaTestCase (maBroken def) pInt "typedLuaTestCase positive test" lua
, expectFail $ nittaCoSimTestCase "nittaCoSimTestCase lost Function" (maBroken u{lostFunctionRelation = True}) alg
, expectFail $ nittaCoSimTestCase "nittaCoSimTestCase lost Endpoints" (maBroken u{lostEndpointRelation = True}) alg
, expectFail $ nittaCoSimTestCase "nittaCoSimTestCase lost Instruction" (maBroken u{lostInstructionRelation = True}) alg
, expectFail $ typedLuaTestCase (maBroken def{lostFunctionRelation = True}) pInt "typedLuaTestCase lost Function" lua
, expectFail $ typedLuaTestCase (maBroken def{lostEndpointRelation = True}) pInt "typedLuaTestCase lost Endpoints" lua
, expectFail $ typedLuaTestCase (maBroken def{lostInstructionRelation = True}) pInt "typedLuaTestCase lost Instruction" lua
Expand Down

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