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Merge pull request #202 from ryukzak/72-integrity
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Check integrity for process units
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ryukzak authored Mar 25, 2022
2 parents 11a1b1d + 14863ea commit 41b87cf
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Showing 17 changed files with 354 additions and 117 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nitta.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ library
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16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions src/NITTA/Model/Networks/Bus.hs
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ For creating BusNetwork see 'NITTA.Model.Microarchitecture.Builder'.
module NITTA.Model.Networks.Bus (
BusNetwork (..),
Instruction (..),
Ports (..),
IOPorts (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,8 +194,8 @@ instance (UnitTag tag, VarValTime v x t) => ProcessorUnit (BusNetwork tag v x t)
let v2transportStepKey =
[ (v, pID)
| Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps bnProcess
, isInstruction pDesc
| step@Step{pID, pDesc} <- steps bnProcess
, isInstruction step
, v <- case pDesc of
(InstructionStep ins) | Just (Transport var _ _) <- castInstruction net ins -> [var]
_ -> []
Expand All @@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ instance (UnitTag tag, VarValTime v x t) => ProcessorUnit (BusNetwork tag v x t)
( \(epKey, v) ->
when (v `M.member` v2transportStepKey) $
establishVerticalRelation (v2transportStepKey M.! v) epKey
establishVerticalRelations [v2transportStepKey M.! v] [epKey]

Expand All @@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ instance (UnitTag tag, VarValTime v x t) => ProcessorUnit (BusNetwork tag v x t)
( \v ->
when (v `M.member` v2transportStepKey) $
establishVerticalRelation pID (v2transportStepKey M.! v)
establishVerticalRelations [pID] [v2transportStepKey M.! v]
$ variables f
Expand All @@ -243,7 +244,12 @@ instance (UnitTag tag, VarValTime v x t) => ProcessorUnit (BusNetwork tag v x t)
return (pID, pID')
mapM_ (\(Vertical h l) -> establishVerticalRelation (pu2netKey M.! h) (pu2netKey M.! l)) relations
( \case
(Vertical h l) -> establishVerticalRelations [pu2netKey M.! h] [pu2netKey M.! l]
(Horizontal h l) -> establishHorizontalRelations [pu2netKey M.! h] [pu2netKey M.! l]

instance Controllable (BusNetwork tag v x t) where
data Instruction (BusNetwork tag v x t)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/NITTA/Model/Problems/Dataflow.hs
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import GHC.Generics
import NITTA.Intermediate.Variable
import NITTA.Model.Problems.Endpoint
import NITTA.Model.Time
import NITTA.Utils
import NITTA.Utils.Base
import Numeric.Interval.NonEmpty

{- |Dataflow option (@tp ~ TimeConstraint t@) or decision (@tp Z Interval t@)
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96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/NITTA/Model/ProcessIntegrity.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{- |
Module : NITTA.Model.ProcessIntegrity
Description : Checking the target process integrity
Copyright : (c) Artyom Kostyuchik, Aleksandr Penskoi, 2022
License : BSD3
Maintainer : [email protected]
Stability : experimental
module NITTA.Model.ProcessIntegrity (
ProcessIntegrity (checkProcessIntegrity),
) where

import Data.Either
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.String.Utils as S
import NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits
import NITTA.Utils

class ProcessIntegrity u where
checkProcessIntegrity :: u -> Either String ()

isProcessIntegrity u = isRight $ checkProcessIntegrity u

instance (ProcessorUnit (pu v x t) v x t) => ProcessIntegrity (pu v x t) where
checkProcessIntegrity pu =
[ checkVerticalRelations (up2down pu) (pid2intermediate pu) (pid2endpoint pu) "intermediate not related to endpoint"
, checkVerticalRelations (down2up pu) (pid2endpoint pu) (pid2intermediate pu) "endpoint not related to intermediate"
, checkVerticalRelations (up2down pu) (pid2endpoint pu) (pid2instruction pu) "endpoint not related to instruction"
, checkVerticalRelations (down2up pu) (pid2instruction pu) (pid2endpoint pu) "instruction not related to endpoint"

checkVerticalRelations f dom codom errmsg =
collectChecks $
( \x ->
let ys = M.findWithDefault S.empty x f
in if any (`M.member` codom) $ S.elems ys
then Right ()
else Left $ errmsg <> ": " <> show (dom M.! x)
$ M.keys dom

-- TODO: #205 Divider: missing vertical relation between Do instruction and Endpoint
skipIntegrityErrors = ["instruction not related to endpoint: Instruction: Do"]

collectChecks checks = case lefts checks of
[] -> Right ()
errs -> case filter (`L.notElem` skipIntegrityErrors) errs of
[] -> Right ()
errs' -> Left $ S.join "; " errs'

relationsMap pairs = M.fromList $ map merge $ L.groupBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b) $ L.sortOn fst pairs
merge xs@((a, _) : _) = (a, S.fromList $ map snd xs)
merge _ = error "internal error"

up2down pu = relationsMap $ mapMaybe get $ relations $ process pu
get Vertical{vUp, vDown} = Just (vUp, vDown)
get _ = Nothing

down2up pu = relationsMap $ mapMaybe get $ relations $ process pu
get Vertical{vUp, vDown} = Just (vDown, vUp)
get _ = Nothing

pid2intermediate pu = M.fromList $ mapMaybe get $ steps $ process pu
get s@Step{pID}
| Just f <- getFunction s = Just (pID, f)
| otherwise = Nothing

pid2endpoint pu = M.fromList $ mapMaybe get $ steps $ process pu
get s@Step{pID}
| Just ep <- getEndpoint s = Just (pID, ep)
| otherwise = Nothing

pid2instruction pu = M.fromList $ mapMaybe get $ steps $ process pu
get s@Step{pID}
| Just instr <- getInstruction s = Just (pID, instr)
| otherwise = Nothing
61 changes: 56 additions & 5 deletions src/NITTA/Model/ProcessorUnits/Broken.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Broken (
IOPorts (..),
) where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.List (find, (\\))
import Data.Set (elems, fromList, member)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ data Broken v x t = Broken
, -- |lost source endpoint due synthesis
lostEndpointSource :: Bool
, wrongAttr :: Bool
, lostFunctionInVerticalRelation :: Bool
, lostEndpointInVerticalRelation :: Bool
, lostInstructionInVerticalRelation :: Bool
, unknownDataOut :: Bool

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,17 +152,62 @@ instance (VarValTime v x t) => EndpointProblem (Broken v x t) v t where
, doneAt = Just $ sup epAt + 3
pu@Broken{targets = [], sources, doneAt, currentWork = Just (a, f), currentWorkEndpoints, wrongControlOnPull}
d@EndpointSt{epRole = Source v, epAt}
{ targets = [v]
, currentWorkEndpoints
, wrongControlOnPush
, lostEndpointInVerticalRelation
, lostInstructionInVerticalRelation
d@EndpointSt{epRole = Target v', epAt}
| v == v'
, let (newEndpoints, process_') = runSchedule pu $ do
let ins =
if lostInstructionInVerticalRelation
then return []
else scheduleInstructionUnsafe (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPush then 1 else 0) epAt) Load

if lostEndpointInVerticalRelation
then return []
else scheduleEndpoint d ins =
{ process_ = process_'
, targets = []
, currentWorkEndpoints = newEndpoints ++ currentWorkEndpoints
, doneAt = Just $ sup epAt + 3
{ targets = []
, sources
, doneAt
, currentWork = Just (a, f)
, currentWorkEndpoints
, wrongControlOnPull
, lostFunctionInVerticalRelation
, lostEndpointInVerticalRelation
, lostInstructionInVerticalRelation
EndpointSt{epRole = epRole@(Source v), epAt}
| not $ null sources
, let sources' = sources \\ elems v
, sources' /= sources
, let (newEndpoints, process_') = runSchedule pu $ do
endpoints <- scheduleEndpoint d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe (shiftI (if wrongControlOnPull then 0 else -1) epAt) Out
let doAt = shiftI (if wrongControlOnPull then 0 else -1) epAt
-- Inlined: endpoints <- scheduleEndpoint d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe doAt Out
endpoints <- do
high <- scheduleStep epAt $ EndpointRoleStep epRole
low <- scheduleInstructionUnsafe doAt Out
(if lostEndpointInVerticalRelation then [] else high)
(if lostInstructionInVerticalRelation then [] else low)
return high
when (null sources') $ do
high <- scheduleFunction (a ... sup epAt) f
let low = endpoints ++ currentWorkEndpoints
establishVerticalRelations high low
(if lostFunctionInVerticalRelation then [] else high)
(if lostEndpointInVerticalRelation then [] else low)
return endpoints =
{ process_ = process_'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,6 +268,9 @@ instance (Time t) => Default (Broken v x t) where
, lostEndpointTarget = False
, lostEndpointSource = False
, wrongAttr = False
, lostFunctionInVerticalRelation = False
, lostEndpointInVerticalRelation = False
, lostInstructionInVerticalRelation = False
, unknownDataOut = False

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/NITTA/Model/ProcessorUnits/Divider.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Divider (
IOPorts (..),
) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.List as L
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ instance (VarValTime v x t) => EndpointProblem (Divider v x t) v t where
scheduleEndpoint_ d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe epAt $ Load tag
endpointDecision pu@Divider{jobs} d@EndpointSt{epRole = Source vs, epAt}
| ([job@WaitResults{results}], jobs') <- partition ((vs `S.isSubsetOf`) . variables) jobs =
| ([job@WaitResults{results, function}], jobs') <- partition ((vs `S.isSubsetOf`) . variables) jobs =
let ([(tag, allVs)], results') = partition ((vs `S.isSubsetOf`) . snd) results
allVs' = allVs S.\\ vs
results'' = filterEmptyResults $ (tag, allVs') : results'
Expand All @@ -229,6 +230,8 @@ instance (VarValTime v x t) => EndpointProblem (Divider v x t) v t where
{ jobs = jobs''
, process_ = execSchedule pu $ do
scheduleEndpoint_ d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe epAt $ Out tag
when (null jobs') $ do
scheduleFunctionFinish_ [] function $ 0 ... sup epAt
endpointDecision _pu d = error [i|incorrect decision #{ d } for Divider|]

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