This is a website that lets you create and take care of a digital pet. You can share your pet with other people and visit and take care of pets other people have made. I just really like digital pets, and have made a couple of them for different projects. This is a combination of ideas -- I was interested in the idea of a website that could change and grow, and I was also interested in the idea of a resource that needed communal maintenance and care. I find it fascinating how people can become attached to digital abstractions such as digital pets -- knowing fully well that it's just a collection of data points.
I used Replit as my initial development environment. This was fine when there was only one pet, and its information could be stored within a variable in the backend code. I moved this over to Digital Ocean and implemented a MongoDB database for further development. It is running off a Node server using Express.
I wireframed this with a simple drawing -- there are only three pages, one of which (the about) is totally static. I decided to use query strings to identify the different pets so I didn't have to create a new page for every pet.
It's a fairly simple website, but I think that it accomplishes what I wanted for it, which was to create something people could feel attached to.