Performance benchmarks and regression tests for the ExCALIBUR project.
These benchmarks are based on a similar project by StackHPC.
Note: at the moment the ExCALIBUR benchmarks are a work-in-progress.
Note: in some HPC facilities there may be already a central Spack
installation available. In principle you should be able to use that one (you
only need to set the SPACK_ROOT
environment variable), but you may need an
up-to-date version of Spack in order to install some packages. Instructions
below show you how to install Spack locally.
Spack is a package manager specifically designed for HPC facilities. Follow the official instructions to install the latest version of Spack.
In order to use Spack in ReFrame, the framework we use to run the benchmarks
(see below), the directory where the spack
program is installed needs to be in
the PATH
environment variable. This can be achieved for instance by running
the commands to get shell support described in Spack documentation, which you
can also add to your shell init script to do it automatically in every session.
For example, if you use a shell of the family bash/zsh/sh you can add to your
init script:
export SPACK_ROOT="/path/to/spack"
if [ -f "${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/" ]; then
source "${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/"
replacing /path/to/spack
with the actual path to your Spack installation.
ReFrame requires a Spack
Environment. We
provide Spack environments for some of the systems that are part of the
ExCALIBUR project. If you want to use a different Spack environment, set the
environment variable EXCALIBUR_SPACK_ENV
to the path of the directory where
the environment is. If this is not set, ReFrame will try to use the environment
for the current system, if known, otherwise it will automatically create a very
basic environment.
ReFrame is a high-level framework for writing regression tests for HPC systems. For our tests we require ReFrame 3.7.3. Follow the official instructions to install this package. Note that ReFrame requires Python 3.6: in your HPC system you may need to load a specific module to have this version of Python available.
We provide a ReFrame configuration file with the settings of some systems that
are part of the ExCALIBUR project. You can point ReFrame to this file by
setting the
environment variable:
export RFM_CONFIG_FILE="${PWD}/"
If you want to use a different ReFrame configuration file, for example because you use a different system, you can set this environment variable to the path of that file.
Note: in order to use the Spack build system in ReFrame, the spack
executable must be in the PATH
, also on the computing nodes of a cluster, if
you want to run your benchmarks on them. Note that by default ReFrame uses
as shebang, which would not load
the user's init script. If you have added Spack to your PATH
within your init
script, you may want to set the
environment variable in order to make ReFrame use
!#/bin/bash -l
as shebang line, instead.
The benchmarks in this suite will additionally need the following Python modules:
Check the recommended way to install Python modules in your system, it may be
for example by using pip
, or creating environments with pyenv
Conda/Anaconda. For example, see the guide for CSD3.
TODO: expand
/path/to/reframe/bin/reframe -c apps/hpgmg -r --performance-report
/path/to/reframe/bin/reframe -c apps/sombrero -r --performance-report
The provided ReFrame configuration file contains the settings for multiple
systems. If you use it, the automatic detection of the system may fail, as some
systems may use clashing hostnames. You can always use the flag --system NAME:PARTITION
to specify the system (and optionally the partition) to use.
Feel free to add new benchmark apps or support new systems that are part of the
ExCALIBUR benchmarking collaboration. Read
for more details.