React component with provider - consumer pattern, making it easy to pass data to you components.
Install the package from npm.
npm install -S react-wp-rest-api-provider
Wrap your application with RestApiProvider component.
import RestApiProvider from 'react-wp-rest-api-provider'
const App = () => (
<RestApiProvider base="/wp-json/wp/v2">
<YourApp />
Then inside your application where you need to request your data from rest API, use the RestApiRequest consumer component.
The component accepts two properties.
A property defining rest API route.
This property should be given as a string. For example for getting default WordPress articles you sould give the value "posts"
A property containg JSON object including desired query parameters.
For example to get 1st 10 posts you can give {page: 1, per_page: 10}
. To know what paramaters can be used see the agrs defined for your endpoint using GET method.
Wrap you presentational component with RestApiRequest consumer component. It returns 4 properties to it's children which you can use.
The properties are data, headerEntries, loading, error
is an array containing fetched data. For example post items.headerEntries
contain headers from the response. See then Pagination section bellow.loading
is a boolean value, indicating the status of the request.error
is an object containing information about the error that might have occured during the request.
import { RestApiRequest } from 'react-wp-rest-api-provider'
const PostList = () => (
<RestApiRequest path={'posts'} queryParams={{page: 1, per_page: 10}}>
{({ data, headerEntries, loading, error }) => {
if (error) return <p>Error</p>;
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
return (
The reason I created this package is that most of existing packages with similar functionality did not support WordPress way of dealing with pagination. The pagination information is returned in the headers of the rest API response.
To get pagination information see the x-wp-totalpages
and x-wp-total
entries in the headerEntries
returned by the component.
This project is done because sometimes you are limited to legacy way of doing things. If you are looking something more sexy see the WPGraphQL plugin and Apollo Client.