Public website for Kindly hosted at For the main Kindly software code repository, refer to unicef/kindly.
Single Page Application built with React following this website design (design in Zeplin, requires login).
Original website design by Kristina Tlusty and Prateek Upreti 🙏
Summary of main files:
- src/index.js provides the entrypoint to the application, which mostly includes
- src/App.js uses React Router to serve two pages:
- [src/Main.js] the website homepage that provides all the content, and layout using Bootstrap.
- [src/Form.js] provides an embeddable component to try out Kindly, coded in components/KindlyForm.js
- src/App.css provides the CSS for the application, customizing the Bootstrap default theme.
- src/img folder contains all the illustrations for the website in SVG format.
The Kindly public website uses the yarn
package manager in place of the default npm
. Visit yarnpkg/getting-started to learn more about yarn package manager.
Please note that the default operating system for kindly and kindly-website is Linux but if you are using Windows, you can use the wsl(windows subsystem for linux) and any distro you are comfortable with.
Update the Linux packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Install yarn package manager. Skip this step if yarn is already installed.
npm install -g yarn
Clone and access the repository
git clone
cd kindly-website
Install dependencies
yarn install
Configure an environment variable REACT_APP_SCRIPT_URL
as per the instructions provided in jamiewilson/form-to-google-sheets to store submissions from the /contribute
form into a Google Spreadsheet.
The website is hosted using GitHub Pages using the gh-pages
branch. The process of updating the website is automated through GitHub Actions through .github/workflows/build-deploy.yml following the documentation provided in the following article: Deploying a React App Using GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions
The Kindly Form is embeddable for demo purposes into other websites, such as, using the following HTML code:
<script src="" />
<iframe src="" style="border: none;" title="Kindly Form">You must have a browser that supports iFrames</iframe>
The code above implements Window.postMessage() to safely enable cross-origin communication between Window objects, that is the iframe content and the host page, and resize the iframe to make it responsive within the page where it is embeded.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject
, you can’t go back!
If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject
at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.
Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject
will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own.
You don’t have to ever use eject
. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent more than 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. In UNICEF, we believe all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential – to the benefit of a better world.
This repository contains both software and content, and a different license applies to each.
- Software included in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. Please note that this license only applies to the software used to create Kindly public website, and a different software license applies to the software that Kindly runs. Refer to unicef/kindly for additional information.
- Content included in this repository is licenses under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0