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Updated parameters, log files and dependencies in Metadata analysis
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ChristinaSchmidt1 committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent ade2c4c commit ec72ea5
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 69 deletions.
164 changes: 96 additions & 68 deletions R/MetaDataAnalysis.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
## ---------------------------
#' This script allows you to perform

### ### ### MetaAnalysis ### ### ###

#' This function performs a PCA analysis on the input data and combines it with the sample metadata to perform an ANOVA test to identify significant differences between the groups.
#' @param InputData DF with unique sample identifiers as row names and metabolite numerical values in columns with metabolite identifiers as column names. Use NA for metabolites that were not detected. includes experimental design and outlier column.
#' @param SettingsFile_Sample \emph{Optional: } DF which contains information about the samples, which will be combined with your input data based on the unique sample identifiers used as rownames. Column "Conditions" with information about the sample conditions (e.g. "N" and "T" or "Normal" and "Tumor"), can be used for feature filtering and colour coding in the PCA. Column "AnalyticalReplicate" including numerical values, defines technical repetitions of measurements, which will be summarised. Column "BiologicalReplicates" including numerical values. Please use the following names: "Conditions", "Biological_Replicates", "Analytical_Replicates".\strong{Default = NULL}
#' @param Scaling \emph{Optional: } TRUE or FALSE for whether a data scaling is used \strong{Default = TRUE}
Expand All @@ -35,9 +35,25 @@
#' @param PrintPlot \emph{Optional: } TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE Volcano plot is saved as an overview of the results. \strong{Default = TRUE}
#' @param FolderPath \emph{Optional:} Path to the folder the results should be saved at. \strong{default: NULL}
#' @keywords PCA
#' @return List of DFs: prcomp results, loadings, Top-Bottom features, annova results, results summary
#' @examples
#' Tissue_Norm <- MetaProViz::ToyData("Tissue_Norm")
#' Res <- MetaProViz::MetaAnalysis(InputData=Tissue_Norm[,-c(1:13)],
#' SettingsFile_Sample= Tissue_Norm[,c(2,4:5,12:13)])
#' @keywords PCA, annova, metadata
#' @importFrom dplyr filter bind_rows rename mutate ungroup group_by summarise select arrange rowwise mutate_all distinct
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats as.formula aov TukeyHSD
#' @importFrom broom tidy
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom logger log_info
#' @export

MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,
Scaling = TRUE,
Expand All @@ -50,7 +66,6 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,
#SettingInfo= c(MainSeparator = "TISSUE_TYPE), # enable this parameter in the function --> main separator: Often a combination of demographics is is of paricular interest, e.g. comparing "Tumour versus Normal" for early stage patients and for late stage patients independently. If this is the case, we can use the parameter `SettingsInfo` and provide the column name of our main separator.


## ------------ Create log file ----------- ##

Expand All @@ -71,11 +86,13 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,
if(any(grepl('[^[:alnum:]]', colnames(SettingsFile_Sample)))==TRUE){
#Remove special characters in colnames
colnames(SettingsFile_Sample) <- make.names(colnames(SettingsFile_Sample))
message("The column names of the 'SettingsFile_Sample'contain special character that where removed.")
message <- paste("The column names of the 'SettingsFile_Sample' contain special character that where removed.")

## ------------ Create Results output folder ----------- ##
if(is.null(SaveAs_Plot)==FALSE |is.null(SaveAs_Table)==FALSE){
Folder <- SavePath(FolderName= "MetaAnalysis",
Expand All @@ -91,11 +108,14 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,

# Extract loadings for each PC
PCA.res_Loadings <-$rotation)%>%

#--- 2. Merge with demographics
PCA.res_Info <- merge(x=SettingsFile_Sample%>%rownames_to_column("UniqueID") , y=PCA.res_Info%>%rownames_to_column("UniqueID"), by="UniqueID", all.y=TRUE)%>%
PCA.res_Info <- merge(x=SettingsFile_Sample%>% tibble::rownames_to_column("UniqueID"),
y=PCA.res_Info%>% tibble::rownames_to_column("UniqueID"),

#--- 3. convert columns that are not numeric to factor:
## Demographics are often non-numerical, categorical explanatory variables, which is often stored as characters, sometimes integers
Expand All @@ -112,14 +132,14 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,

for (meta_col in MetaData) {
for (pc_col in colnames(PCA.res_Info)[grepl("^PC", colnames(PCA.res_Info))]) {
Formula <- as.formula(paste(pc_col, "~", meta_col, sep=""))# Create a formula for ANOVA --> When constructing the ANOVA formula, it's important to ensure that the response variable (dependent variable) is numeric.
Formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(pc_col, "~", meta_col, sep=""))# Create a formula for ANOVA --> When constructing the ANOVA formula, it's important to ensure that the response variable (dependent variable) is numeric.
#pairwiseFormula <- as.formula(paste("pairwise ~" , meta_col, sep=""))

anova_result <- aov(Formula, data = PCA.res_Info)# Perform ANOVA
anova_result <- stats::aov(Formula, data = PCA.res_Info)# Perform ANOVA
anova_result_tidy <- broom::tidy(anova_result)#broom::tidy --> convert statistics into table
anova_row <- filter(anova_result_tidy, term != "Residuals") # Exclude Residuals row
anova_row <- dplyr::filter(anova_result_tidy, term != "Residuals") # Exclude Residuals row

tukey_result <- TukeyHSD(anova_result)# Perform Tukey test
tukey_result <- stats::TukeyHSD(anova_result)# Perform Tukey test
tukey_result_tidy <- broom::tidy( tukey_result)#broom::tidy --> convert statistics into table

#lm_result_p.val <- lsmeans::lsmeans((lm(Formula, data = PCA.res_Info)), pairwiseFormula , adjust=NULL)# adjust=NULL leads to the p-value!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,8 +169,8 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,

#Add explained variance into the table:
prop_var_ex <-[["sdev"]])^2/sum((PCA.res[["sdev"]])^2))*100)%>%#To compute the proportion of variance explained by each component in percent, we divide the variance by sum of total variance and multiply by 100(variance=standard deviation ^2)
mutate(PC = paste("PC", PC, sep=""))%>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = paste("PC", PC, sep=""))%>%

Stat_results <- merge(Stat_results, prop_var_ex, by="PC",all.x=TRUE)
Expand All @@ -174,77 +194,74 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,
res <- cbind(data.frame(PC=paste("PC", i, sep = "")), top_features, bottom_features)
}) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "PC")%>%
mutate(PC = paste("PC", PC, sep=""))
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "PC")%>%
dplyr::mutate(PC = paste("PC", PC, sep=""))

## ---------- Final DF 1------------##
## Add to results DF
Stat_results <- merge(Stat_results,
group_by(PC) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~ paste(unique(gsub(", ", "_", .)), collapse = ", "))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(PC) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(everything(), ~ paste(unique(gsub(", ", "_", .)), collapse = ", "))) %>%

## ---------- DF 2: Metabolites as row names ------------##
Res_Top <- Stat_results%>%
filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted< StatCutoff)%>%
separate_rows(paste("Features_", "(Top", Percentage, "%)", sep=""), sep = ", ")%>% # Separate 'Features (Top 0.1%)'
dplyr::filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted< StatCutoff)%>%
tidyr::separate_rows(paste("Features_", "(Top", Percentage, "%)", sep=""), sep = ", ")%>% # Separate 'Features (Top 0.1%)'
dplyr::rename("FeatureID":= paste("Features_", "(Top", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))%>%
select(- paste("Features_", "(Bottom", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))
dplyr::select(- paste("Features_", "(Bottom", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))

Res_Bottom <- Stat_results%>%
filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted< StatCutoff)%>%
separate_rows(paste("Features_", "(Bottom", Percentage, "%)", sep=""), sep = ", ")%>% # Separate 'Features (Bottom 0.1%)'
dplyr::filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted< StatCutoff)%>%
tidyr::separate_rows(paste("Features_", "(Bottom", Percentage, "%)", sep=""), sep = ", ")%>% # Separate 'Features (Bottom 0.1%)'
dplyr::rename("FeatureID":= paste("Features_", "(Bottom", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))%>%
select(- paste("Features_", "(Top", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))
dplyr::select(- paste("Features_", "(Top", Percentage, "%)", sep=""))

Res <- rbind(Res_Top, Res_Bottom)%>%
group_by(FeatureID, term) %>% # Group by FeatureID and term
dplyr::group_by(FeatureID, term) %>% # Group by FeatureID and term
PC = paste(unique(PC), collapse = ", "), # Concatenate unique PC entries with commas
`Sum(Explained_Variance)` = sum(Explained_Variance, na.rm = TRUE) # Sum Explained_Variance
) %>%
ungroup()%>% # Remove previous grouping
group_by(FeatureID) %>% # Group by FeatureID for MainDriver calculation
mutate(MainDriver = (`Sum(Explained_Variance)` == max(`Sum(Explained_Variance)`))) %>% # Mark TRUE for the highest value
ungroup() # Remove grouping
`Sum(Explained_Variance)` = sum(Explained_Variance, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # Sum Explained_Variance
dplyr::ungroup()%>% # Remove previous grouping
dplyr::group_by(FeatureID) %>% # Group by FeatureID for MainDriver calculation
dplyr::mutate(MainDriver = (`Sum(Explained_Variance)` == max(`Sum(Explained_Variance)`))) %>% # Mark TRUE for the highest value
dplyr::ungroup() # Remove grouping

Res_summary <- Res%>%
group_by(FeatureID) %>%
dplyr::group_by(FeatureID) %>%
term = paste(term, collapse = ", "), # Concatenate all terms separated by commas
`Sum(Explained_Variance)` = paste(`Sum(Explained_Variance)`, collapse = ", "), # Concatenate all Sum(Explained_Variance) values
MainDriver = paste(MainDriver, collapse = ", ") # Extract the term where MainDriver is TRUE
) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate( # Extract the term where MainDriver is TRUE
MainDriver = paste(MainDriver, collapse = ", ")) %>% # Extract the term where MainDriver is TRUE
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate( # Extract the term where MainDriver is TRUE
MainDriver_Term = ifelse("TRUE" %in% strsplit(MainDriver, ", ")[[1]],
strsplit(term, ", ")[[1]][which(strsplit(MainDriver, ", ")[[1]] == "TRUE")[1]],
# Extract the Sum(Explained_Variance) where MainDriver is TRUE
`MainDriver_Sum(VarianceExplained)` = ifelse("TRUE" %in% strsplit(MainDriver, ", ")[[1]],
as.numeric(strsplit(`Sum(Explained_Variance)`, ", ")[[1]][which(strsplit(MainDriver, ", ")[[1]] == "TRUE")[1]]),
) %>%
NA)) %>%

## ---------- Plot ------------##
# Plot DF
Data_Heat <- Stat_results %>%
filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted < 0.05)%>%#Filter for significant results
filter(Explained_Variance > 0.1)%>%#Exclude Residuals row
distinct(term, PC, .keep_all = TRUE)%>%#only keep unique term~PC combinations AND STATS
select(term, PC, Explained_Variance)
dplyr::filter(tukeyHSD_p.adjusted < 0.05)%>%#Filter for significant results
dplyr::filter(Explained_Variance > 0.1)%>%#Exclude Residuals row
dplyr::distinct(term, PC, .keep_all = TRUE)%>%#only keep unique term~PC combinations AND STATS
dplyr::select(term, PC, Explained_Variance)

Data_Heat <- reshape2::dcast( Data_Heat, term ~ PC, value.var = "Explained_Variance")%>%
mutate_all(~replace(.,, 0))
dplyr::mutate_all(~replace(.,, 0))

invisible(VizHeatmap(InputData = Data_Heat,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,31 +296,43 @@ MetaAnalysis <- function(InputData,
### ### ### MetaPriorKnowlegde ### ### ###

### Enrichment analysis-based

#*we can make pathway file from metadata and use this to run enrichment analysis.
#*At the moment we can just make the pathways and we need to include a standard fishers exact test.
#*Merge with function above?
# *Advantage/disadvantage: Not specific - with annova PC we get granularity e.g. smoker-ExSmoker-PC5, whilst here we only get smoking in generall as parameter

#' Meta prior-knowledge
#' @param InputData DF with unique sample identifiers as row names and metabolite numerical values in columns with metabolite identifiers as column names. Use NA for metabolites that were not detected. includes experimental design and outlier column.
#' @param SettingsFile_Sample \emph{Optional: } DF which contains information about the samples, which will be combined with your input data based on the unique sample identifiers used as rownames. Column "Conditions" with information about the sample conditions (e.g. "N" and "T" or "Normal" and "Tumor"), can be used for feature filtering and colour coding in the PCA. Column "AnalyticalReplicate" including numerical values, defines technical repetitions of measurements, which will be summarised. Column "BiologicalReplicates" including numerical values. Please use the following names: "Conditions", "Biological_Replicates", "Analytical_Replicates".\strong{Default = NULL}
#' @param SaveAs_Plot \emph{Optional: } Select the file type of output plots. Options are svg, png, pdf. \strong{Default = svg}
#' @param SettingsInfo \emph{Optional: } NULL or vector with column names that should be used, i.e. c("Age", "gender", "Tumour-stage"). \strong{default: NULL}
#' @param SaveAs_Table \emph{Optional: } File types for the analysis results are: "csv", "xlsx", "txt". \strong{Default = "csv"}
#' @param FolderPath \emph{Optional:} Path to the folder the results should be saved at. \strong{default: NULL}
#' @keywords prior knowledge
#' @return DF with prior knowledge based on patient metadata
#' @examples
#' Tissue_Norm <- MetaProViz::ToyData("Tissue_Norm")
#' Res <- MetaProViz::MetaPK(InputData=Tissue_Norm[,-c(1:13)],
#' SettingsFile_Sample= Tissue_Norm[,c(2,4:5,12:13)])
#' @keywords prior knowledge, metadata
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer unite
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @export
MetaPK <- function(InputData,
SaveAs_Table = "csv",
FolderPath = NULL){

## ------------ Create log file ----------- ##

### Enrichment analysis-based
#*we can make pathway file from metadata and use this to run enrichment analysis.
#*At the moment we can just make the pathways and we need to include a standard fishers exact test.
#*Merge with function above?
# *Advantage/disadvantage: Not specific - with annova PC we get granularity e.g. smoker-ExSmoker-PC5, whilst here we only get smoking in generall as parameter

## ------------ Check Input files ----------- ##
Expand All @@ -314,7 +343,7 @@ MetaPK <- function(InputData,

## ------------ Create Results output folder ----------- ##
if(is.null(SaveAs_Plot)==FALSE |is.null(SaveAs_Table)==FALSE){
Folder <- SavePath(FolderName= "MetaAnalysis",
Expand All @@ -324,18 +353,18 @@ MetaPK <- function(InputData,
# Use the Sample metadata for this:
MetaData <- names(SettingsFile_Sample)
SettingsFile_Sample <- SettingsFile_Sample%>%
SettingsFile_Sample_subset <- SettingsFile_Sample%>%
MetaData <- SettingsInfo
SettingsFile_Sample_subset <- SettingsFile_Sample[, MetaData, drop = FALSE]%>%

# Convert into a pathway DF
Metadata_df <- SettingsFile_Sample_subset %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -SampleID, names_to = "ColumnName", values_to = "ColumnEntry")%>%
unite("term", c("ColumnName", "ColumnEntry"), sep = "_")
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -SampleID, names_to = "ColumnName", values_to = "ColumnEntry")%>%
tidyr::unite("term", c("ColumnName", "ColumnEntry"), sep = "_")
Metadata_df$mor <- 1

#Run ULM using decoupleR (input=PCs from prcomp and pkn=Metadata_df)
Expand All @@ -354,7 +383,6 @@ MetaPK <- function(InputData,

#ULM_res <- merge(ULM_res, prop_var_ex, by.x="condition",by.y="PC",all.x=TRUE)

## ---------- Save ------------##
# Add to results DF
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion vignettes/Metadata Analysis.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Here the metadata analysis is based on principal component analysis (PCA), which
The `MetaProViz::MetaAnalysis()` function will perform PCA to extract the different PCs followed by annova to find the main metabolite drivers that separate patients based on their demographics.\
MetaRes <- MetaProViz:::MetaAnalysis(InputData=Tissue_Norm[,-c(1:13)],
MetaRes <- MetaProViz::MetaAnalysis(InputData=Tissue_Norm[,-c(1:13)],
SettingsFile_Sample= Tissue_Norm[,c(2,4:5,12:13)],
Scaling = TRUE,
Percentage = 0.1,
Expand Down

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