- Receiving a CSV file from the research container with the results of the code job
- Saving that CSV to memory (TBD) for the lifespan of this container
- Allowing members(TM) to log in and approve the results of the code job (AKA the CSV files)
- Once the members approve the results, this application will post the CSV file to the management app (Endpoint TBD)
curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/job/:jobId/upload -F "file=@test-data/industry.csv" -u admin:password
curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/job/:jobId/upload -F "file=@test-data/currency.csv" -u admin:password
To generate a public/private key pair you can run:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
echo "MANAGEMENT_APP_PUBLIC_KEY='`cat ./public_key.pem`'" >> .env
echo "MANAGEMENT_APP_PRIVATE_KEY='`cat ./private_key.pem`'" >> .env
aws configure list-profiles
aws sso login --profile your-profile
AWS_PROFILE=your-profile AWS_REGION=your-region npm run deploy:ecr
- Create a study on the management app
- Get the UUID of the study here: http://localhost:4000/member/openstax/studies/review
- Alternatively, you can run
docker compose exec postgres psql -U mgmnt mgmnt_dev -c 'select id,created_at from study_job;'
- take that uuid and upload it manually like so:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/api/job/{Job_UUID_HERE}/upload -F "file=@test-data/industry.csv" -u admin:password
- Approve the study with the UUID you just uploaded