This application is generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout.
Docker compose is been provided which will start zeebe(core), monitor(UI) & claim_ms application. Run the following command.
docker-compose up
To stop and remove containers, run the following command.
docker-compose down
Once docker-compose is UP. Zeebe monitor can be accessed via http://localhost:8082/
and claim_ms swagger can be accessed via http://localhost:3000/explorer
Postman collection files is also provided inside libs
This api will deploy the workflow in zeebe. The sample workflow are kept in workflow
directory. Currently it deploys registrationWF.bpm
This api will trigger the pre-auth workflow for registration. Once this API is triggered an instance is created for the workflow and can be seen in the UI.
This will be used to register claim details. Until this API is been called, the workflow instance will be paused. Once Claim is registered the instance will continue its execution. The workflow will continue its execution path based on the status been sent while registering.
This API will expose all prometheus matrices.