This code is autogenerated from a SailPoint private repository and is read-only. Please do not submit pull requests to this repository. If you identify issues with the API spec, please submit an issue instead.
This repo houses the API specifications for all SailPoint services.
To add a new API collection to the Postman Collection, open and add the following:
- Under
, add the one or more paths to the API files
- idn/sailpoint-api.v3.yaml
- idn/v3/**
- Under the "Dereference API Specification and build Postman collection" step, add the commands to dereference the spec and build the collection
- name: Dereference API Specification and build Postman collection
run: |
swagger-cli bundle --dereference idn/sailpoint-api.v2024.yaml -t yaml -o dereferenced/deref-sailpoint-api.v2024.yaml
openapi2postmanv2 -s dereferenced/deref-sailpoint-api.v2024.yaml -o postman/collections/sailpoint-api-v2024.json -p -c postman-script/openapi2postman-config.json
node postman-script/modify-collection.js postman/collections/sailpoint-api-v2024.json
swagger-cli bundle --dereference idn/sailpoint-api.v2024.yaml -t json -o dereferenced/deref-sailpoint-api.v2024.
npm run v2024