CRMNet: A deep-learning pipeline capable of spotting fake vs legitimate faces and performing anti-face spoofing in face recognition systems. It is built with the help of Keras, Tensorflow, and OpenCV. A sample dataset is uploaded in the sample_dataset_folder.
The problem of detecting fake faces vs real/legitimate faces is treated as a binary classification task. Basically, given an input image, we’ll train a Convolutional Neural Network capable of distinguishing real faces from fake/spoofed faces. There are 4 main steps involved in the task:
- Build the image dataset itself.
- Implement a CNN capable of performing liveness detector(Livenessnet).
- Train the liveness detector network.
- Create a Python + OpenCV script capable of taking our trained liveness detector model and apply it to real-time video.
- Create a webplatform to access the liveness detection algorithm in an interactive manner.
- sample_liveness_data : contains the sample dataset.
- Face Liveness Detection -Saketh.pptx : A couple of slides that will give you information on th project and our motivation.
- : Our demonstration script will fire up your webcam to grab frames to conduct face liveness detection in real-time.
- deploy.prototxt : Support file for pretrained face detector.
- le.pickle : Our class label encoder.
- liveness.model : The liveness model file.
- : The python file containing the model.
- res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel: Pretrained face detector.
- The python script to train the model.
- Gathering data having a larger set of ethnicity and different types of fake/spoofed photos.
- Adding more heuristics to team up with deep-learning.
This work was done during my internship at SimpleCRM, Nagpur.