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bazelrc language server

Code intelligence for .bazelrc config files.


The language server from this repository can be used in a wide range editors (neovim, emacs, IntelliJ, ...).

For Visual Studio Code, we offer a pre-packaged Visual Studio Code plugin:

  1. Download the correct *.vsix package for your operating system from the latest release
  2. Inside Visual Studio, press Cmd + Shift + P to open the command picker
  3. Choose the "Extension: Install from VSIX..." command
  4. In the file picker, choose the downloaded .vsix file

I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out how exactly to configure the language server for other editors. (Pull requests welcome).

Current State & Roadmap

The extension is complete enough for my personal needs and hopefully useful to you, too.

Long-term, I am considering to integrate this functionality into the official VSCode Bazel extension. This is also why this extension is not published to the VS Code Marketplace as a standalone extension.

However, currently this extension still has a couple rough edges. E.g., this extension is currently hard-coded to use the Bazel flags supported by Bazel 7.1.0. Before integrating this language server with the VSCode Bazel extension, and thereby exposing it to a larger user base, those sharp edges first need to be smoothed.

Pull Requests are welcome! Further down in this README you can find a backlog of various ideas. In case you want to discuss any of those topics (or a topic of your own), please feel free to reach out via a Github issue.


The source code for this extension lives at Contributions are welcome. Feel free to just open a pull request.

Building from source

  1. cd vscode-extension
  2. pnpm i
  3. pnpm package
  4. Install the "hyper-ir-lsp-*.vsix" in VS Code


  • Bazel version support
    • ✔ load flags from Bazel's flag dump
    • pack multiple flag versions & allow selection via flag
    • run bazel help flags-as-proto at runtime
  • Support flags with same name on different commands. E.g., --watchfs which is deprecated as a startup action, but still is supported as a flag to the build command
  • ✔ Syntax highlighting / semantic tokens
  • Diagnose
    • ✔ unknown flags
    • ✔ allow custom setting flags (--//my/package:setting and --no//my/package:setting)
    • repeated flags
    • abbreviated flag names; prefer non-abbreviated flags
    • ✔ diagnose deprecated flags
    • ✔ diagnose missing imported files
    • ✔ configs on startup, import, try-import
    • ✔ empty config name
    • ✔ config name which doesn't match [a-z_\-]+ (or similar)
    • offer fix-it:
      • to remove repeated flags
      • to replace abbreviated flags by non-abbreviated flags
      • to remove deprecated no-op flags
      • to fix config-name-related issues
  • ✔ Hover
    • ✔ Show documentation of flags on hover
    • ✔ Correctly escape <> in Markdown (e.g. problematic in the documentation for --config)
    • Link to flag documentation in hovers
    • ✔ Show documentation for commands on hover
  • Autocomplete
    • ✔ auto complete command names
    • ✔ flag names
    • flag values:
      • based on available setting values (needs Bazel-side changes)
      • based on previously observed values
    • config names
      • based on config names used elsewhere in the file / project
    • file names for import / try-import
  • Format / pretty print
    • improved formatting behavior
      • ✔ basic formatting support
      • ✔ always quote arguments to import / try-import
      • ✔ combine --flag value into --flag=value
      • "line reflowing" support (all on single line; one flag per line with \ line continuations; one flag per command; ...)
      • compact multiple consecutive empty lines
      • break up multiline comments
      • more aggressive reformatting of comments / smarter detection of ASCII art
    • ✔ LSP integration
      • ✔ whole document formatting
      • ✔ range formatting
    • expose formatting through command line to enable integration into CI systems
  • ✔ link file names for import & try-import
  • Rename functionality for config names
  • Bazel-side changes:
    • expose default value, value description and old names and deprecation messages
  • Go to Reference:
    • other usages of config name
    • find other usages of same flag