The interaction service APIs covers both inbound message interaction request schema (inbound-interaction-api.yaml) and outbound message custom event schema (outbound-custom-event-payload.yaml).
The inbound-interaction-api.yaml shows the inbound message interaction request schema.
Follow the instructions below to setup connected app and generate access token which will be used as <AccessToken> in example curl commands shown in next section.
When setting up a Connected App there are a few things that need to be specified for the integration to work:
Enable OAuth Settings
- Callback URL can be anything, recommend just using
for now Use digital signature
(see below for generating cert)- Select these OAuth scopes:
Access Interaction API resources (interaction_api)
Perform Requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Enable
Opt in to issue JSON Web Token (JWT)-based access tokens for named users
- Save the app
- From your Connected App, click
->Edit Policy
Permitted Users
->Admin approved users are pre-authorized
Manage Profiles
->System Administrators
To generate a self-signed cert locally:
openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:password -out server.pass.key 2048;
openssl rsa -passin pass:password -in server.pass.key -out server.key;
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr;
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt;
is your public-certificate and server.key
is your private key.
The Integration Service requires an AccessToken generated using the Oauth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow
To generate a signed JWT you can use a tool such as
- In the header set the
(required by SFDC) - In the payload set:
- your Connected Apps Consumer Key- This can be found from the Connected Apps page by clicking the Manager Consumer Details button
- the username of the salesforce user account.aud
- Set depending on the env- local:
- test:
- prod:
- local:
- timestamp in MS when the token expires. For local dev and testing set this way in the future to avoid having to regenerate a token
- In the signature past in your public and private key of the cert associated with the Connected App
Use the created JWT to generate an AccessToken
Assuming localhost:
curl --location --request POST -v https://localhost:6101/services/oauth2/token --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data-urlencode "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" --data-urlencode "assertion=<JWT>>"
From the response copy the access_token
which can be used to make requests to the Interaction Service. The token should be in the format:
Following are examples of the curl commands to test the inbound requests for different interactionType: "EntryInteraction" and "AttachmentInteraction".
Example request sending interaction, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
and attachments
part can be optional.
- Interaction request with entryType "Message"
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "OrgId: <OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" -H "content-type:multipart/form-data" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -F "json={
\"to\": \"<ChannelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"from\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"interactions\": [{
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"interactionType\": \"EntryInteraction\",
\"payload\": {
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"entryType\": \"Message\",
\"abstractMessage\": {
\"messageType\": \"StaticContentMessage\",
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"staticContent\": {
\"formatType\": \"Text\",
\"text\": \"Hi there\"
};type=application/json" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions
- Interaction request with entryType "TypingStartedIndicator"
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "OrgId: <OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" -H "content-type:multipart/form-data" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -F "json={
\"to\": \"<ChannelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"from\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"interactions\": [{
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"interactionType\": \"EntryInteraction\",
\"payload\": {
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"entryType\": \"TypingStartedIndicator\",
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>
};type=application/json" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions
- Interaction request with entryType "TypingStoppedIndicator"
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "OrgId: <OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" -H "content-type:multipart/form-data" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -F "json={
\"to\": \"<ChannelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"from\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"interactions\": [{
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"interactionType\": \"EntryInteraction\",
\"payload\": {
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"entryType\": \"TypingStoppedIndicator\",
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>
};type=application/json" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions
- Interaction request with entryType "MessageDeliveryFailed"
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "OrgId: <OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" -H "content-type:multipart/form-data" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -F "json={
\"to\": \"<ChannelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"from\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"interactions\": [{
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"interactionType\": \"EntryInteraction\",
\"payload\": {
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"entryType\": \"MessageDeliveryFailed\",
\"failedConversationEntryIdentifier\": \"<FailedConversationEntryIdentifier>\",
\"recipient\": {
\"appType\": \"custom\",
\"subject\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"role\": \"EndUser\"
\"errorCode\": \"<ErrorCode>\"
};type=application/json" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions
Note: Effective Spring ‘24, payloads with "entryType": "MessageDeliveryFailed"
must set "appType": "custom"
, and "role": "EndUser"
. If appType
and role
are set to any other values, the request fails.
- Interaction request with file attachment
Prerequisites for getting file attachment upload working in local
- Request access with PCSKDeveloperRole to test1-uswest2 AWS account using
- The above access request should get auto-approved.
- Click on Get Credentials -> Reveal Secrets to view the AWS credentials.
- Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY & AWS_SESSION_TOKEN in your run configuration environment variables in your IDE. Use the above credential values from the previous step.
- Login into AWS console for the test1-uswest2 account and create a new S3 bucket for local use.
- In in your local, set interactionservice.inbound.files.bucket with the name of the S3 bucket you just created in the previous step.
- Also in, set other attachment related properties. See file for details.
- Please delete the bucket once local testing is complete.
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "OrgId: <OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" -H "content-type:multipart/form-data" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -F "json={
\"to\": \"<ChannelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"from\": \"<EndUserClientIdentifier>\",
\"interactions\": [{
\"timestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"interactionType\": \"AttachmentInteraction\",
\"id\": \"<InteractionId>\",
\"attachmentIndex\": 0,
\"contentLength\": 10000,
\"text\": \"This is my file\"
};type=application/json" -F "attachments=@/<path to an image>" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions
Note: When test the example request commands above, replace the request url "http://localhost:8085/api/v1/interactions" with an url with the pattern of "https://<your org my domain name>".
AgentWork API only applies for Partner Messaging for CCaaS. Following are examples of the curl commands to test the agent work requests for different capacity paths.
Example request creating agent work, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
- AgentWork request with capacity percentage
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "content-type:application/json" -H "OrgId:<OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext:<AuthorizationContext>" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -d "{
\"userId\": \"<UserId>\",
\"workItemId\": \"<WorkItemId>\",
\"capacityPercentage\": <CapacityPercentage>,
\"routingContext\": {
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<ConversationId>\",
\"routingType\": \"<RoutingType>\",
\"routingCorrelationId\": \"<EventId>\"
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/agentWork
- AgentWork request with capacity weight
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "content-type:application/json" -H "OrgId:<OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext:<AuthorizationContext>" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -d "{
\"userId\": \"<UserId>\",
\"workItemId\": \"<WorkItemId>\",
\"capacityWeight\": <CapacityWeight>,
\"routingContext\": {
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<ConversationId>\",
\"routingType\": \"<RoutingType>\",
\"routingCorrelationId\": \"<EventId>\"
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/agentWork
- AgentWork request when psr exist
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "content-type:application/json" -H "OrgId:<OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext:<AuthorizationContext>" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X POST -d "{
\"userId\": \"<UserId>\",
\"workItemId\": \"<WorkItemId>\"
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/agentWork
Note: When test the example request commands above, replace the request url "http://localhost:8085/api/v1/agentWork" with an url with the pattern of "https://<your org my domain name>".
Example request to update the consent status of a Messaging End User, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
- Interaction request to update Consent Status
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H "content-type:application/json" -H "OrgId:<OrgId>" -H "AuthorizationContext:<AuthorizationContext>" -H "RequestId: <RequestId>" -X PATCH -d "{
\"endUserClientId\" : \"<endUserClientId>\",
\"channelAddressIdentifier\" : \"<channelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"consentStatus\" : \"<ConsentStatusEnum>\"
}" <local/staging test url>/api/v1/consent
The initial app is also configured with the management service available on port 7080. To access this, you will need to use a token created with
Example request to route the workItem be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
- Interaction request to route Conversation based on Flow ID and fallback Queue ID and optional routing attributes.
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<conversationIdentifier>\",
\"routingType\": \"<routingType>\",
\"routingInfo\": {
\"flowId\": \"<FlowDefinitionViewId>\",
\"queueId\": \"<QueueId>\"
\"routingAttributes\": {
\"<channelVariable>\" : \"<value>\"
}" <local/staging test url>/api/v1/route
- Interaction request to route Conversation based on Queue ID
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<conversationIdentifier>\",
\"routingType\": \"<routingType>\",
\"routingInfo\": {
\"queueId\": \"<QueueId>\"
}" <local/staging test url>/api/v1/route
- Interaction request to route Conversation based on configuration in Messaging Channel
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<conversationIdentifier>\",
\"routingType\": \"<routingType>\"
}" <local/staging test url>/api/v1/route
- Interaction request to Delete PSRs for a given Conversation ID
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE -d "{
\"conversationIdentifier\": \"<conversationIdentifier>\"
}" <local/staging test url>/api/v1/route
Example request to notify routing result, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
- Request to notify success routing result
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/routingResult
- Request to notify failure routing result
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/routingResult
The API allows to register different capabilities to support messaging components
Example request for registering capability, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
You need to register for the messageType and formatType which your integration supports
curl -v \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "OrgId: <OrgId>" \
-H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" \
-H "RequestId: <RequestId>" \
-X PATCH -d '{
"capabilities": {
"appType": "custom",
"channelCapabilities": [
"channelType": "custom",
"customIntegration": {
"customIntegrationType": "CustomChannelIntegration",
"integrationNamespace": "<orgId | developer namespace>",
"conversationChannelDefinitionDevName": "<ConversationChannelDefinition developer Name>"
"messageTypeCapabilities": [
"messageType": "StaticContentMessage",
"formatTypeCapabilities": [
"formatType": "Attachments",
"capabilityFieldRestriction": [
"fieldJsonPath": "$.staticContent.attachments.mimeType",
"restriction": {
"fieldRestrictionType": "MimeTypeRestriction",
"mimeType": "image/png"
"messageType": "ChoicesMessage",
"formatTypeCapabilities": [
"formatType": "Buttons"
"messageType": "FormMessage",
"formatTypeCapabilities": [
"formatType": "Inputs"
}' http://localhost:8085/api/v1/capabilities
Example request to acknowledge delivery / read of messages sent from agent. Be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
curl -v -H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' -H 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' -H 'RequestId: <RequestId>' -H 'OrgId: <OrgId>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d "{
\"sender\": {
\"appType\" : \"<AppType>\",
\"subject\" : \"<endUserClientId>\",
\"role\" : \"<ParticipantRole>\"
\"conversationIdentifier\" : \"<conversation Identifier>\",
\"acknowledgements\" : [ {
\"acknowledgementTimestamp\" : <Timestamp in Unix Epoch>,
\"acknowledgementType\" : \"<Acknowledgement Type>\",
\"acknowledgedConversationEntryIdentifier\" : \"<Acknowledged Conversation Entry Identifier>\",
\"acknowledgmentCreatedConversationEntryIdentifier\" : \"<Acknowledgment Created Conversation Entry Identifier>\"
}, {..}, {..} . . . {..}]
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/acknowledgement
Note: Only maximum of 25 acknowledgments are supported per request
Example request for establishing a conversation, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
curl -v \
-H $'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "OrgId: <OrgId>" \
-H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" \
-H "RequestId: <RequestId>" \
-X POST -d '{
"channelAddressIdentifier": "<channelAddressIdentifier>",
"participants": [
"subject": "<endUserClientIdentifier>",
"role": "EndUser",
"appType": "custom"
}' http://localhost:8085/api/v1/conversation
The API supports validation to ensure that partners don’t import conversations older than 24 hrs.
Example request for sending conversation History Request, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
curl -v \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-H "OrgId: <OrgId>" \
-H "AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>" \
-H "AuthorizationContextType: <AuthorizationContextType>" \
-H "RequestId: <RequestId>" \
-X POST -d "{
\"channelAddressIdentifier\": \"<channelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"conversationParticipants\": [
\"displayName\": \"<displayName>\",
\"participant\": {
\"subject\": \"<unique identifier for the participant>\",
\"role\": \"<ParticipantRole>\",
\"appType\": \"<AppType>\"
\"joinedTime\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch Milliseconds>
\"conversationEntries\": [
\"clientTimestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch Milliseconds>,
\"sender\": {
\"subject\": \"<unique identifier for the sender>\",
\"role\": \"<ParticipantRole>\",
\"appType\": \"<AppType>\"
\"entryPayload\": {
\"entryType\": \"Message\",
\"id\": \"<payloadId>\",
\"abstractMessage\": {
\"messageType\": \"StaticContentMessage\",
\"id\": \"<messageId>\",
\"staticContent\": {
\"formatType\": \"Text\",
\"text\": \"Hi There\"
}" http://localhost:8085/api/v1/conversationHistory
Example request for sending attachment History in the Conversation Request, be sure to replace placeholder values <..>
curl --location 'http://localhost:8085/api/v1/attachmentHistory' \
--header 'OrgId: <orgId>>' \
--header 'AuthorizationContext: <AuthorizationContext>' \
--header 'RequestId: <RequestId>' \
--header 'AuthorizationContextType: <AuthorizationContextType>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>' \
--form 'sendHistoryAttachmentsRequestJson="{
\"channelAddressIdentifier\": \"<channelAddressIdentifier>\",
\"conversationParticipants\": [
\"displayName\": \"<displayName>\",
\"participant\": {
\"subject\": \"<participantSubject>\",
\"role\": \"<ParticipantRole>\",
\"appType\": \"<AppType>\"
\"joinedTime\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch Milliseconds>
\"conversationEntries\": [
\"clientTimestamp\": <Timestamp in Unix Epoch Milliseconds>,
\"sender\": {
\"subject\": \"<senderSubject>\",
\"role\": \"<ParticipantRole>\",
\"appType\": \"<AppType>\"
\"entryPayload\": {
\"id\": \"<messageId>\",
\"attachmentIndex\": <attachmentIndex>,
\"contentLength\": <contentLength>,
\"text\": \"Hi There\"
}";type=application/json' \
--form "attachments=@/<path to an image>"'
The outbound-custom-event-payload.yaml shows the outbound message custom event schema. Following are examples of the custom event payload received in "data" listener of the custome event after subscribe the event by topic name "my__event__e" shown in payload below for outbound message.
The outbound message without attachment (Deprecated in Spring '24, Support this deprecated event structure will be removed starting Summer '24. See below for the new outbound message event structure effective starting Spring '24)
replayId: '2278491',
payload: {
my__event__e {
CreatedDate: 1690344475579n,
CreatedById: '13f7e7ad-2431-4cf7-a048-fe9556f847bc',
my__event__chnlAddrIdField__c: {
string: 'b0ffeafe-0d89-4338-b14a-172ad203f22a' // ChannelAddressIdentifier
my__event__field2__c: {
string: '{"senderDisplayName":"John Dow","identifier":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","entryType":"Message","entryPayload":{"entryType":"Message","id":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","abstractMessage":{"messageType":"StaticContentMessage","id":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","staticContent":{"formatType":"Text","text":"Hi, how are you?"}},"messageReason":null},"sender":{"appType":"agent","subject":"005xx0000012345","role":"Agent"},"transcriptedTimestamp":1690344475508,"clientTimestamp":1690344475409,"clientDuration":0}'
my__event__recipientField__c: {
string: '{"appType":"custom","subject":"David Wood","role":"EndUser"}'
Here "subject":"005xx0000012345"
is the salesforce id of sender.
The outbound message with attachment (Deprecated in Spring '24, Support for this deprecated event structure will be removed starting Summer '24. See below for the new outbound message event structure effective starting Spring '24)
replayId: '2278491',
payload: {
my__event__e {
CreatedDate: 1690344475579n,
CreatedById: '13f7e7ad-2431-4cf7-a048-fe9556f847bc',
my__event__chnlAddrIdField__c: {
string: 'b0ffeafe-0d89-4338-b14a-172ad203f22a'
my__event__payloadField__c: {
string: '{"senderDisplayName":"John Dow","identifier":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","entryType":"Message","entryPayload":{"entryType":"Message","id":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","abstractMessage":{"messageType":"StaticContentMessage","id":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","staticContent":{"formatType":"Attachments","text":"did you get my file","attachments":[{"name":"BYO-Middleware-Impl.png","attachmentUploadResult":null,"id":"4f3c9d65-acd6-4151-8ac7-6ae1ae46531a","mimeType":"image/png","url":"","referenceId":"1e544040-52c8-40f6-a14d-5bc123c5cae4"}]}},"messageReason":null},"sender":{"appType":"agent","subject":"005RM000002ks3p","role":"Agent"},"transcriptedTimestamp":1690679469883,"clientTimestamp":1690679468868,"clientDuration":0}'
my__event__recipientField__c: {
string: '{"appType":"custom","subject":"David Wood","role":"EndUser"}'
The outbound message without attachment (Recommended latest schema structure effective starting Spring '24)
replayId: '2278491',
payload: {
my__event__e {
CreatedDate: 1690344475579n,
CreatedById: '13f7e7ad-2431-4cf7-a048-fe9556f847bc',
my__event__field2__c: {
string: '{"channelAddressIdentifier":"b0ffeafe-0d89-4338-b14a-172ad203f22a","recipient":{"appType":"custom","subject":"David Wood","role":"EndUser"},"senderDisplayName":"John Dow","identifier":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","entryType":"Message","entryPayload":{"entryType":"Message","id":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","abstractMessage":{"messageType":"StaticContentMessage","id":"56e10dce-2fd3-4ab6-91bf-f55827ad0280","staticContent":{"formatType":"Text","text":"Hi, how are you?"}},"messageReason":null},"sender":{"appType":"agent","subject":"005xx0000012345","role":"Agent"},"transcriptedTimestamp":1690344475508,"clientTimestamp":1690344475409,"clientDuration":0}'
my__event__EventType__c: anonymous { string: 'Interaction' }
Here "subject":"005xx0000012345"
is the salesforce id of sender.
The outbound message with attachment (Recommended latest schema structure effective starting Spring '24)
replayId: '2278491',
payload: {
my__event__e {
CreatedDate: 1690344475579n,
CreatedById: '13f7e7ad-2431-4cf7-a048-fe9556f847bc',
my__event__payloadField__c: {
string: '{"conversationIdentifier":"9bc16b48-cd9b-4d8b-b7f2-a376f0a05c09","channelAddressIdentifier":"b0ffeafe-0d89-4338-b14a-172ad203f22a","recipient":{"appType":"custom","subject":"David Wood","role":"EndUser"},"payload":{"senderDisplayName":"John Dow","identifier":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","entryType":"Message","entryPayload":{"entryType":"Message","id":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","abstractMessage":{"messageType":"StaticContentMessage","id":"80bb78b1-8240-4e22-ac55-5d517231ca1e","staticContent":{"formatType":"Attachments","text":"did you get my file","attachments":[{"name":"BYO-Middleware-Impl.png","attachmentUploadResult":null,"id":"4f3c9d65-acd6-4151-8ac7-6ae1ae46531a","mimeType":"image/png","url":"","referenceId":"1e544040-52c8-40f6-a14d-5bc123c5cae4"}]}},"messageReason":null},"sender":{"appType":"agent","subject":"005RM000002ks3p","role":"Agent"},"transcriptedTimestamp":1690679469883,"clientTimestamp":1690679468868,"clientDuration":0}}'
my__event__EventType__c: anonymous { string: 'Interaction' }
Note: In the payload examples above, the key "my__event__e" is the developer name for the outbound message customer event configured in salesforce setup. The keys "my__event__chnlAddrIdField__c", "my__event__payloadField__c", "my__event__recipientField__c" and "my__event__EventType__c" are corresponding custom fields "Custom Event Channel Address Id Field", "Custom Event Payload Field", "Custom Event Recipient Field", "Custom event type Field" defined in the outbound message customer event.
Use of the code in this repository with Salesforce products or services should be used in accordance with any applicable developers guides on and may be subject to additional terms of use, including but not limited to the Salesforce Program Agreement - Program Terms for the Salesforce Developers Program.