- Create a telegram bot from (detailed instructions at
- Copy the API Token
- Run and paste the API Token
- Wait for it to download required modules
- Run (in case it doesn't work run and try again if it's still broken report an issue)
- Send a message to your telegram bot Functions for telegram bot:
#nonstoprun.bat runs python scipt in a batch loop so if python script gets terminated it will start again instantly. It will stop if you terminate batch job(named conhost.exe in task manager
#runinbackground.vbs runs nonstoprun.bat without any trace.
Restars the script so any changes can be applied
Sends your chat id so you can add it to admins.json
/ss or /screenshot
takes a screenshot and sends it through telegram
/mp or /mouseposition
takes a screenshot draws a square where mouse is and sends it
captures a photo via camera using opencv
moves cursor to given coordinates(ex: /moveto 314 159)
moves cursor by given values (ex: /move 314 159)
/click - /rclick
left - right clicks where cursor is
/click x y - /rclick x y
left - right clicks to given coordinates (ex: /click 265 358)
/doubleclick or /dc
double clicks where mouse is
/talk or /tts
turns text into speech sends .mp3 file and plays the .mp3 file
/os or /cmd
allows you to run terminal commands
sends titles of running programs using pyautogui's getAllTitles() method
presses the given button. Works via pyautogui's press() method (ex: /press win)
types the given words. Works via pyautogui's typewrite() method (ex: /type Hello World)
/nf or /newfile Syntax : /nf\n filename\n file\n content