feat: add custom option space #65
coqbot-app / GitLab CI job pre-commit (pull request)
Oct 4, 2024 in 0s
Test has failed on GitLab CI
This job has failed. If you need to, you can restart it directly in the GitHub interface using the "Re-run" button.
We show below the last 40 lines of the trace from GitLab (the complete trace is available here).
Loading cache from /root/.cache/rubocop_cache/87931ecc4112aabff5b5ae25f3bee42073a15b23/6d7a3b621ca1730e04accd938619e4bdab66cfb1/5f8f72e049a265fdf88588826b001904af3b9ddb
7 files inspected, no offenses detected
Finished in 2.5440456919999974 seconds
Check shell scripts with shellcheck......................................Passed
- hook id: shellcheck
- duration: 0.01s
Check YAML syntax with yamllint..........................................Failed
- hook id: yamllint
- duration: 1.83s
- exit code: 1
173:39 error trailing spaces (trailing-spaces)
Check Salt files using salt-lint.........................................Passed
- hook id: salt-lint
- duration: 0.18s
Examining /tmp/tmps2mgdzd8.sls of type sls
Examining dhcpd/init.sls of type sls
Examining dhcpd/_mapdata/init.sls of type sls
Examining dhcpd/_mapdata/_mapdata.jinja of type jinja
Examining dhcpd/config.sls of type sls
Examining /tmp/tmpqg6qr_i7.sls of type sls
Examining dhcpd/map.jinja of type jinja
Examining dhcpd/files/subnet.jinja of type jinja
Examining dhcpd/files/host.jinja of type jinja
Check reST files using rstcheck..........................................Passed
- hook id: rstcheck
- duration: 0.26s
Check reST files using rst-lint..........................................Passed
- hook id: rst-lint
- duration: 0.21s
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1