Tags: saltstack-formulas/users-formula
chore(release): 0.48.8 [skip ci] ## [0.48.8](v0.48.7...v0.48.8) (2022-06-09) ### Bug Fixes * **googleauth:** ensure newline is preserved in `repl` of `file.replace` ([1dd5f32](1dd5f32)) ### Continuous Integration * update `pre-commit` configuration inc. for pre-commit.ci [skip ci] ([8dce714](8dce714)) * **kitchen+gitlab:** update for new pre-salted images [skip ci] ([6ebb05a](6ebb05a)) ### Tests * **system:** add `build_platform_codename` [skip ci] ([95cefb3](95cefb3)) * **system.rb:** add support for `mac_os_x` [skip ci] ([321fdcf](321fdcf))
chore(release): 0.48.7 [skip ci] ## [0.48.7](v0.48.6...v0.48.7) (2022-02-13) ### Code Refactoring * **salt-lint:** fix violation ([696139a](696139a)) ### Continuous Integration * update linters to latest versions [skip ci] ([a4fb2c6](a4fb2c6)) * **3003.1:** update inc. AlmaLinux, Rocky & `rst-lint` [skip ci] ([ec9506d](ec9506d)) * **commitlint:** ensure `upstream/master` uses main repo URL [skip ci] ([2f0db66](2f0db66)) * **gemfile:** allow rubygems proxy to be provided as an env var [skip ci] ([47cfe0e](47cfe0e)) * **gemfile+lock:** use `ssf` customised `inspec` repo [skip ci] ([6ad3c6a](6ad3c6a)) * **gemfile+lock:** use `ssf` customised `kitchen-docker` repo [skip ci] ([8698fa5](8698fa5)) * **gitlab-ci:** add `rubocop` linter (with `allow_failure`) [skip ci] ([9b8b6e6](9b8b6e6)) * **gitlab-ci:** use GitLab CI as Travis CI replacement ([3c879df](3c879df)) * **kitchen:** move `provisioner` block & update `run_command` [skip ci] ([72c64ad](72c64ad)) * **kitchen+ci:** update with `3004` pre-salted images/boxes [skip ci] ([4a8452a](4a8452a)) * **kitchen+ci:** update with latest `3003.2` pre-salted images [skip ci] ([6de2acb](6de2acb)) * **kitchen+ci:** update with latest CVE pre-salted images [skip ci] ([22c21e4](22c21e4)) * **kitchen+ci:** use latest pre-salted images (after CVE) [skip ci] ([dabc4b7](dabc4b7)) * **kitchen+gitlab:** adjust matrix to add `3003` [skip ci] ([34c757a](34c757a)) * **kitchen+gitlab:** remove Ubuntu 16.04 & Fedora 32 (EOL) [skip ci] ([3935693](3935693)) * **kitchen+gitlab:** update for new pre-salted images [skip ci] ([0bff9fb](0bff9fb)) * add `arch-master` to matrix and update `.travis.yml` [skip ci] ([632dc3c](632dc3c)) * add Debian 11 Bullseye & update `yamllint` configuration [skip ci] ([0c49302](0c49302)) * **kitchen+gitlab-ci:** use latest pre-salted images [skip ci] ([c260fe7](c260fe7)) * **pre-commit:** add to formula [skip ci] ([d0e7c0a](d0e7c0a)) * **pre-commit:** enable/disable `rstcheck` as relevant [skip ci] ([013b2cd](013b2cd)) * **pre-commit:** finalise `rstcheck` configuration [skip ci] ([89c3c8f](89c3c8f)) * **pre-commit:** update hook for `rubocop` [skip ci] ([0e7c6a3](0e7c6a3)) ### Documentation * **readme:** fix headings [skip ci] ([7d06cd5](7d06cd5)) ### Tests * standardise use of `share` suite & `_mapdata` state [skip ci] ([2a7c0de](2a7c0de))
chore(release): 0.48.5 [skip ci] ## [0.48.5](v0.48.4...v0.48.5) (2020-07-25) ### Bug Fixes * **macos:** gid must be numeric on macos ([9517e4b](9517e4b)) ### Continuous Integration * **gemfile:** restrict `train` gem version until upstream fix [skip ci] ([40f8e2d](40f8e2d)) * **gemfile.lock:** add to repo with updated `Gemfile` [skip ci] ([ad7e8f7](ad7e8f7)) * **kitchen:** avoid using bootstrap for `master` instances [skip ci] ([4441c59](4441c59)) * **kitchen:** use `saltimages` Docker Hub where available [skip ci] ([c12272e](c12272e)) * **kitchen+travis:** remove `master-py2-arch-base-latest` [skip ci] ([892868f](892868f)) * **travis:** add notifications => zulip [skip ci] ([628a430](628a430)) * **travis:** apply changes from build config validation [skip ci] ([9f76672](9f76672)) * **travis:** opt-in to `dpl v2` to complete build config validation [skip ci] ([9a983a4](9a983a4)) * **travis:** quote pathspecs used with `git ls-files` [skip ci] ([f9f8f13](f9f8f13)) * **travis:** run `shellcheck` during lint job [skip ci] ([e09c822](e09c822)) * **travis:** use `major.minor` for `semantic-release` version [skip ci] ([0afebc6](0afebc6)) * **travis:** use build config validation (beta) [skip ci] ([0ddb90e](0ddb90e)) * **workflows/commitlint:** add to repo [skip ci] ([7419dda](7419dda))
chore(release): 0.48.4 [skip ci] ## [0.48.4](v0.48.3...v0.48.4) (2019-11-08) ### Bug Fixes * **vimrc:** ensure `vimrc` state runs ([a1ef7e5](a1ef7e5)) ### Continuous Integration * **kitchen:** use `develop` image until `master` is ready (`amazonlinux`) [skip ci] ([852dff2](852dff2)) * **kitchen+travis+inspec:** add `vimrc` suite ([a263a62](a263a62)) ### Tests * **inspec:** add test to check `.vimrc` file is generated properly ([569e927](569e927)) * **pillar:** add test pillar to generate `.vimrc` file ([86144be](86144be))
chore(release): 0.48.3 [skip ci] ## [0.48.3](v0.48.2...v0.48.3) (2019-11-02) ### Bug Fixes * **pillars:** ensure `addusers` & `delusers` are lists ([b31c592](b31c592)) * **release.config.js:** use full commit hash in commit link [skip ci] ([8df4d39](8df4d39)) ### Continuous Integration * **kitchen:** use `debian-10-master-py3` instead of `develop` [skip ci] ([9ee7636](9ee7636)) * **kitchen+travis:** upgrade matrix after `2019.2.2` release [skip ci] ([1d9a5ef](1d9a5ef)) * **travis:** update `salt-lint` config for `v0.0.10` [skip ci] ([60ee61d](60ee61d)) ### Documentation * **contributing:** remove to use org-level file instead [skip ci] ([7c55ef0](7c55ef0)) * **readme:** update link to `CONTRIBUTING` [skip ci] ([2a88765](2a88765)) ### Performance Improvements * **travis:** improve `salt-lint` invocation [skip ci] ([b45914e](b45914e))
chore(release): 0.48.2 [skip ci] ## [0.48.2](v0.48.1...v0.48.2) (2019-10-11) ### Bug Fixes * **rubocop:** add fixes using `rubocop --safe-auto-correct` ([](13dd7f9)) ### Continuous Integration * merge travis matrix, add `salt-lint` & `rubocop` to `lint` job ([](99136b5)) * **travis:** merge `rubocop` linter into main `lint` job ([](96999c2))
chore(release): 0.48.1 [skip ci] ## [0.48.1](v0.48.0...v0.48.1) (2019-10-10) ### Bug Fixes * **googleauth.sls:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](bb27b94)) * **init.sls:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](4cec0ef)) * **sudo.sls:** fix `salt-lint` errors ([](560f5e1)) ### Continuous Integration * **kitchen:** change `log_level` to `debug` instead of `info` ([](1726e0f)) * **kitchen:** install required packages to bootstrapped `opensuse` [skip ci] ([](0ed662d)) * **kitchen:** use bootstrapped `opensuse` images until `2019.2.2` [skip ci] ([](f2e1b66)) * **platform:** add `arch-base-latest` (commented out for now) [skip ci] ([](1790bae)) * **yamllint:** add rule `empty-values` & use new `yaml-files` setting ([](af2d2c0)) * merge travis matrix, add `salt-lint` & `rubocop` to `lint` job ([](f17d156)) * use `dist: bionic` & apply `opensuse-leap-15` SCP error workaround ([](4d3228b))