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To build a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:


Feature 1: Filter Events By City

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to filter events by city,
  • So that I can view events happening in my preferred location.


  1. Given the user hasn’t searched for a city, when they view the events page, then the app should show upcoming events from all cities.
  2. Given the user is on the events page, when they type a city name in the search bar, then the app should display a list of suggestions for matching cities.
  3. Given the user has searched for a city, when they select a city from the suggested list, then the app should display events from the selected city only.

Feature 2: Show/Hide Event Details

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to show or hide details of an event,
  • So that I can view or minimize information as needed.


  1. Given the user is viewing a list of events, when the page loads, then each event element should be collapsed by default.
  2. Given the user is viewing a collapsed event, when they click “Show Details,” then the event details should expand.
  3. Given the user is viewing expanded event details, when they click “Hide Details,” then the event details should collapse.

Feature 3: Specify Number of Events

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to specify the number of events displayed,
  • So that I can control the length of the event list.


  1. Given the user hasn’t specified a number, when they view the events page, then the app should display 32 events by default.
  2. Given the user is on the events page, when they set a number in the “Number of Events” input, then the app should display that number of events.

Feature 4: Use the App When Offline

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to use the app when offline,
  • So that I can access event information without an internet connection.


  1. Given the user has previously accessed the app online, when they go offline, then the app should display cached event data.
  2. Given the user is offline, when they attempt to change search settings (city or number of events), then the app should show an error notification.

Feature 5: Add an App Shortcut to the Home Screen

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to add an app shortcut to my device’s home screen,
  • So that I can quickly access the app.


  1. Given the user is on the app’s main page, when they choose the “Add to Home Screen” option, then the app should guide them through the installation process.
  2. Given the user has successfully added the shortcut, when they view their device’s home screen, then the app icon should be visible and functional.

Feature 6: Display Charts Visualizing Event Details

User Story:

  • As a user,
  • I should be able to view charts visualizing event details,
  • So that I can better understand trends and statistics about the events.


  1. Given the user is viewing the events page, when they click on the “View Statistics” button, then the app should display a chart summarizing the number of upcoming events in each city.
  2. Given the user is viewing a chart, when they interact with it (e.g., hover over data points), then the app should show additional information for those points.