This is a simple website about polls. This site contains voting your choice on question depending upon the choice you like against the question.
I have written it as simple as it can be in python using Django framework.
To run website: - You should have Postgresql running.( atleast 9.3.10 version). - You should have Django (1.8) installed, and python3.4 in your system. - To start server, just go to "mysite" directory, and run type python3 runserver. This runs a website at localhost:8000 - If you want it other way, you can choose different port by adding port number as an extra argument.
Two types of access available: * Admin * polls
Admin := Here, you have access to adding questions and deleting them , adding votes and deleting votes, changing dates and all administrative stuff.
polls := Here you can access different types of questions, and mark your choice against the question.