SAM Element is an IoT platform. Visit our website to get to know more.
- Knowledgebase
- ESP8266 Documentation
- Arduino ESP8266 Board Library
- Arduino ESP32 Board Library
- Arduino ESP8266FS uploader - plugin
- Arduino ESP32FS uploader - plugin
- Tested with ESP8266 Board library v2.5.2
- Tested with ESP32 Board library v1.0.4
- It has come to our attention that some may experience sketch data upload problem when using ESP8266 board library v2.6.1 with ESP8266FS uploader plugin v0.4.0. Please follow this issue to get solution.
- You must maintain publish rate at minimum 10s.
- SAM Element may suspend an account when an abusive behaviour detected.
- Supported board: ESP32, ESP8266.
- Easy connect to SAM Element IoT platform.
- Ready to use some working examples for real application.
- WiFi configuration page ready.
- Auto Access Point.
- Embedded factory reset.
- Custom serial number.
- Secure connection.
- You just need to focus on sensors/actuators, we handle the rest.
Example connection below (and examples folder) is done for ESP8266-01. You may need to made some adjustment for different board.
// get your account details in your dashboard
// DO NOT use existing developer user & pass in example as we do not guarantee it will work and for how long.
#define DEVELOPER_ROOT "<insert your developer root>"
#define DEVELOPER_USER "<insert your API Device username>"
#define DEVELOPER_PASS "<insert your API Device password>"
#define WIFI_DEFAULT_SSID "MySmartDevice" // create your own custom SSID
#define WIFI_DEFAULT_PASS "abcd1234" // put a password 8-63 chars.
HardwareSerial *SerialDEBUG = &Serial; // optional if you wish to debug
M1128 iot;
void setup() {
// pass your developer details
// pass your default SSID config. Optional params are: IPAddress localip, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet
iot.init(); // pass client
// If you want to debug, initialize your SerialDEBUG
while (!SerialDEBUG);
pinMode(3, FUNCTION_3); // this will set GPIO3 (RX) to be used as input
iot.setId("ABCDEXFGH"); // set device serial number, default is retrieved from ESP.getChipId()
// When ESP is sleeping, pin reset will only works when device is waking up.
// When ESP is sleeping forever, the only way to make the pin factory reset to work is by trigger it while you turn it on.
iot.pinReset = 3; // optional to set the factory reset pin to GPIO3, default is GPIO3
// autoAP is an option to allow ESP automatically set up as AP. Default value is false
// If set to true, when first turn on, it will go to AP if wifi connect failed.
// Other way to go to AP is by trigger pin reset.
iot.autoAP = false;
//set whether you want to use sandbox or production server. default is sandbox (prod=false). = true;
//set the expire of access token in seconds. default is 43200 = 12 hours. max is 49 days.
iot.accessTokenExp = 43200; // 12 hours
//set whether mqtt will init in clean session. default is false.
iot.cleanSession = true;
//set whether you like to use LWT message. default is true.
iot.setWill = true;
// optional set wifi connect trial before going to AP mode, default is 1
iot.wifiConnectRetry = 2;
// apConfigTimeout is a timeout for ESP when it works as soft AP.
// use apConfigTimeout for low battery powered device to make sure ESP not work as AP too long.
// apConfigTimeout is in ms. Default is 0, which means no timeout.
// When apConfigTimeout has passed, it will trigger onAPConfigTimeout.
iot.apConfigTimeout = 300000;
// if apConfigTimeout > 0 and and apConfigTimeout has passed, it will trigger a callback you can define here.
// if this callback is not defined then after timeout it will goes to deep sleep.
iot.onAPConfigTimeout = callbackOnAPConfigTimeout;
// wifiConnectTimeout is a timeout for ESP to keep try to connect to a WiFi AP.
// wifiConnectTimeout is in ms. Default is 0, which means no timeout.
// When wifiConnectTimeout has passed, it will trigger onWiFiConnectTimeout.
iot.wifiConnectTimeout = 120000;
// if wifiConnectTimeout > 0 and and wifiTimeout has passed, it will trigger a callback you can define here.
// if this callback is not defined then after timeout it will goes to deep sleep.
iot.onWiFiConnectTimeout = callbackOnWiFiConnectTimeout;
iot.onReceive = callbackOnReceive; // optional callback when message received
iot.onReset = callbackOnReset; // optional callback when device factory reset pressed
iot.onConnect = callbackOnConnect; // optional callback when connected to server
iot.onReconnect = callbackOnReconnect; // optional callback when reconnected to server
iot.onWiFiConfigChanged = callbackOnWiFiConfigChanged; // optional callback when wifi config changed
ESP.wdtEnable(8000); // if you wish to enable watchdog
iot.init(SerialDEBUG); //use debug (optional).
void callbackOnReceive(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
// your codes
void callbackOnReset() {
// your codes
void callbackOnConnect() {
// your codes
// start publish your MQTT message and
// start subscribe to MQTT topics you wanna to listen
void callbackOnReconnect() {
// your codes
// if you use set clean_session=true, then you need to re-subscribe here
void callbackOnWiFiConfigChanged() {
// your codes
void callbackOnAPConfigTimeout() {
// ESP.deepSleep(0);
// iot.restart(); // call to restart via software
// iot.reset(); // call to reset the wifi configuration saved in ESP, this will trigger onReset()
// your codes
void callbackOnWiFiConnectTimeout() {
// ESP.deepSleep(0);
// iot.restart(); // call to restart via software
// iot.reset(); // call to reset the wifi configuration saved in ESP, this will trigger onReset()
// your codes
void loop() {
ESP.wdtFeed(); // if you enable watchdog, you have to feed it
// your other codes
In every newly created project, there are 2 steps to upload your project:
- Upload WiFi Configuration Interface files with SPIFFS Data Uploader, via menu Tools -> ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload.
- Upload your sketch as usual through Sketch -> Upload (or via Upload button)